Robb Nickels
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I'm angry today, but not at anyone in particular. I'm angry at the situation. He we are, the citizens of the most affluent country in the world, and we have been condensed to being simple drones. We want more, we try our best to be more, but our society has indoctrinated us with a self defeating mindset. By nature human beings are adventurers, gatherers, hunters, beings that push themselves to extreme limits for the sake of accomplishing something. But look at us. We toil away for companies that don't respect us, we vote for leaders that don't represent us, we strive for lifestyles that are beyond our reach, living way above our means because we have been hypnotized into being mindless consumers. We have been taught that formal education equals wealth when nothing could be further from the truth. Businesses and proper saving creates wealth. We have been taught to work for someone else and shun those that are no longer compliant and leave that 9 to 5 world. Well I'm tired of trying to eek out a way in a system that was set to keep me mediocre. I'm tired of giving 70% of my life(time) to build someone else's dream. I'm tired of not being able to see those I love most because I'm selling the majority of my time to someone that is Not thinking about me nor has my best interest at heart. I'm tired of seeing Americans and the people of the world not attaining their dreams because we have all been brainwashed by the establishment, believing that we are ok because at least we're doing better than such such. No we are not ok, No it is not all good. Every human being on this planet deserves to live the life they dream about and we can, but we have to get angry and start doing something about it. We are starting a financial revolution and it my duty as a soldier to inform you that the war has begun.

over 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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