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richard trombly
Director , Producer , Screenwriter
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Voting begins for People's Choice Awards film script pitch contest

January 07, 2010 Shanghai -- Please vote at the 

American Film Market / People's Choice for  Father John / David Minnihan  (the 5th one) and make it the most-want-to-see movie in 2010.  If you are tired of run of the mill Hollywood rehash, then vote for Father John. A spy film based in Shanghai with the thrill of Asia's most exciting city as a backdrop to espionage and plot twists which will keep you on the edge of your seat. It is really simple, all you need to do is just a click on the link below to open the page. Then vote for the best film.  We sincerely believe it is Father John. Winning this contest would help greatly in developing this project and we greatly appreciate your help.  http://www.peopleschoice.com/ pca/influence/AFM/ Father John was written by Steven G. Long and Richard Trombly.For more information on Father John project, please visit  www.fatherjohnthemovie.net Happy new year everyone, and happy VOTING!!!

about 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


Richard Trombly richard@trombly.com www.obscure-productions.com is an American writer, journalist and filmmaker who has been living in China since 2003 and has

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english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Shanghai, China
Member Since
June 26, 2008