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richard trombly
Director , Producer , Screenwriter
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Obscure Productions Undergoes Analysis

Obscure Productions’ producer Jude Jiang announced that she will be producing Analysis, http://www.indiegogo.com/analysis, a 20 minute short film to be directed by screenwriter and film maker Richard Trombly. http://www.imdb.me/richardtrombly

Tina is a 13-year-old math genius living in an isolated world where the solid and definite answers of math are so much more comforting and secure than the ambiguity of human relations. She only finds security in her family life and with her mentor , high school math department head , Mr Richardson.

When the stability of her home life is threatened , will she retreat deeper into isolation or solve the “human equation”…?

“When I first saw this scrīpt, I was very touched,” says Jiang. “Even though this scrīpt involved the international population in Shanghai, Trombly describes an experience every Chinese shares and is truly a universal part of the human condition.”

Trombly is raising funds for the project via the Indiegogo crowdfunding website since he says he is doing it for the artistic value of the project and the social message.

“This project is compelling to me because it covers so much philosophical ground in such a brief space,” says Trombly. “all at a teenager’s level. Rarely in film or literature even, do we see children tackling these issues but they are dealing with them every day and on a level much deeper than we might expect.”

It might be easy to dismiss teen socialization as merely play and games but Trombly says there is a value to this. In Analysis, he explores this issue and nearly makes a mathematical proof of why these teenage years are so critical.

Shanghai actors Charles Mayer ( http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1885544/) and Sofie Fella will take the lead roles in this production. Paul Collins, also an active member of the Shanghai stage scene, will join in as the role of “Tina’s” dad.

“We are excited to have such a high caliber of talent for this small production,” said Jiang. “I am touched at the level of support we are receiving from the Chinese independent film community. With their help and support, this will be a really beautiful film production.”

Support for this production is not limited to China. Famed Irish Singer Songwriter Pete O’Hanlon has joined in to compose the sound track based on his own experiments in Sino-Celtic fusion. O’Hanlon recently released his new CD “Simple Equation” www.peterohanlon.com

Trombly is a native of Belchertown, Massachusetts, USA but has been living in China since 2003. Arriving as a journalist, Trombly has been working in the film industry since 2006.

To support this project please go to: http://www.indiegogo.com/analysis

or to find out how you can get involved or for more information, Contact: Richard@Trombly.com

Press Contact: Richard Trombly

           +86 13818837641



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Richard Trombly richard@trombly.com www.obscure-productions.com is an American writer, journalist and filmmaker who has been living in China since 2003 and has

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english, mandarin
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Shanghai, China
Member Since
June 26, 2008