East West Theatre presents“The Caucasian Chalk Circle- CCC - a Satirical Comedy of Our Times” - by . Friday Nov 12 th, Saturday Nov 13 th, Sunday Nov 14 th, Friday Nov 19 th, & Saturday Nov 20th (At 8pm precisely)Performance Language: English with Chinese subtitlesVenue: Xin Jiu Han Performing Arts Theatre, 2 nd floor, 251 Beihai Lu (near Yunnan Lu)Nearest metro: Peoples Square (exit 1 or 15)Presale tickets for 150RMB are available from Cotton’s at either 294 Xinhua Lu (evenings and weekends) or 132 Anting Lu (every day 10am-2am)Group bookings and further information: call 13564102955 or email east.west.info@gmail.com______________________________ _____________________________" The Caucasian Chalk Circle" speaks to us, who live in these materialistic and property-obsessed times, of the Idea of ownership, it ask us to consider: What do we own?How Much? Why do we own it? Do we need it?Do we have a right to own anything? Do we own anything at all? The Caucasian Chalk Circle tells a parable that explores what happens when the law conflicts with justice and asks questions about who is right and wrong in complicated situations. Setting up the play, a Prologue introduces the idea that things should be given to those who will take care of them as two farms dispute ownership of a valley. Once an agreement has been reached, the villagers put on a play—The Caucasian Chalk Circle._
Richard Trombly richard@trombly.com www.obscure-productions.com is an American writer, journalist and filmmaker who has been living in China since 2003 and has