Ok, so today is kind of a fluke.
I haven't written a blog in quite some time. I think the last AnD newsletter called me out at 50 days since my last one. Call it what you will - being busy, lazy or sleepy, it just wasnt getting done. Until today. When I decided to write TWO!
The first (just below) is really just a big thank you to everyone that came out to Speak Up! last week, and that was mainly for our E.V.E.N.T. supporters. If your not a fan, check us out at www.alivenotdead.com/event .
This entry is more just to show the headshots I just got done. Now, as the heading says, I am not a "model." These have just proven handy in this versatile city we call Hong Kong, where any one can be a "model" or a "designer" or a " doctor." Its really quite nice to be able to call yourself whatever you want any night of the week.
Either way. here is me. and if your still reading, you might as well keep looking...
Re:Flex is @ WeSC JAM SESSION - May 6th W/ Strech Armstrong (nyc) & Yasumasa Yonehara (jpn) SPEAK UP! Wednesday May18th @ Philia Lounge HK's orig