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Scary Character, Again

I was back! :P

I finished drew the comic for mobile phone last week.

But, I should begin to draw the following next and next-next works.

(※This time, I did not take the pics. sorry!!)

I had gone to the New Year's party of COMIC BUNCH last week though I was working without sleeping the day before of the deadline.

Because 原哲夫(Tetsuo Hara)先生 and 北条司(Tsukasa Hojo)先生 did 鏡抜き(or 鏡開き kagami-nuki / kagami-biraki), I want to receive the favor from them, and have drunk 升酒(masu sake).

※Reference image of 升酒

This is a gift gotten at this party.

Stainless Steel Double Wall Tumbler~ :D

Because this tumbler is very convenient, I was glad.

By the way, I met with "ぐ~チョコランタン (Goo Choco Lantan)"'s capsule toy machine the other day.

" ぐ~チョコランタン (Goo Choco Lantan)" is Japanese TV program for infant.

But, "that guy" that I was expecting is not included in this capsule toy.

I was disappointed in a moment because I saw this machine.

I was expecting that there was "that guy" as a secret item.

About " that guy"......

The event happened by the program about 3years ago. 

We shocked in the picture of the mascot character "SUPU" of the program that Pasonarite "はいだしょうこ(Syoko Haida)おねえさん" had drawn very much.

※Reference image of "Real" SUPU

Please look at this drawing song's Youtube by all means.

Video: http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=X_EaZ0-2tnQ

It was a topic of a scary character this time. :P

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares
原哲夫老師&北条司老師???!!!!!!!! SUPER JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>Reni hohoho~(`∀´*) Please feel envious of me. But, I didn't meet them. I merely saw them......(-_-)
almost 16 years ago
well, at least you are in the same place with them >_<
almost 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>Reni 如果去出版社嘅party就見得好多出名漫畫家。(о'д')b -☆ >rottendoubt Japan is a treasure house of the characters. hehe~
almost 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>musicnote sorry......(>д<) Because my comics has contract with the publisher, I cannot upload them. There might be a chance that you also read my comics if I am a famous manga-ka. But, I am not famous. (;´д`) I want to upload my comic privately drawn some time.
almost 16 years ago
Photo 37580
Hehe if I was an infant I'd be scared of him for sure heh. Good to hear you're busy, hope you get time to relax too though.
almost 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha ha! is that scene from the TV show famous in japan?
almost 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>JV haha~!! Cameraman is not shooting of woman who is drawing the pic so much. Did the cameraman sniff danger? LOL And......thank you!! All over the world is recession now. So, I am happy woman because I request a lot of work. But......I expect that they become hard work. >Etchy Of course!! After this TV show had been broadcast, it became a fuss on the Internet. Afterwards, the video of a lot of SUPU is made. Please look at this link!! LOL http://jp.youtube.com/results?search_category=0&search_query=%E3%82%B9%E3%83%97%E3%83%BC&search_type=search_videos&search_sort=relevance&page= I want to say, "AWESOME!!" her. :P
almost 16 years ago


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