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September 14 is 中秋節(Mid-Autumn Festival).

Of course, there is 中秋節 in Japan too.

It doesn't eat mooncake at Japanese 中秋節,

but we eats 月見団子(tsukimi dango ※好似糖不甩).


Though it is a midautumn soon.

I went to the BRAZIL FESTIVAL 2008 @ 代々木公園(Yoyogi Park)!!

Brazilian dishes are delicious.

A lot of meat cookeries. mmmmmm.....wild, and get the power!!

Umbrella united with hat!! This is Brazilian Style???

Is it brazilian's culture that takes off clothes?

I saw many many brazilian tattoo guys, there. I was surprised it.

I noticed the reason.

Because they take off clothes, put tattoo.

Amazon's blood will tell. So cooool!!


淺草Samba Carnival → BRAZIL FESTIVAL → 【CITY OF MEN / CIDADE DOS HOMENS】(Brazilian movie)

And to cap it all, I went to see Heavy Metal's documentary film【GLOBAL METAL】...

This film covered the heavy metal culture of Brazil.

Has the Brazil festival held it in me, now?

over 16 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares
Elena dd unset 18
Wah..祭典sound fun
over 16 years ago
Photo 37580
Nice looks like fun.
over 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>All (ΦωΦ)<fufufu... Festival is very very fun. Recently, it came to hold the festival of various countries in Japan. So, I can eat strange food. (゚д゚)<yummmmmmm I challenge various foods!! ъ(゚Д゚) Don't worry. I don't injure my stomach......maybe.
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha ha!
over 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>andy_lau_spain I think that it is difficult to eat delicious Japanese food in foreign countries. Fact is...I'm not eating Japanese food lately. Japanese food is expensive. Therefore, I eat Japanese junk food only. hahaha! >Etchy The brazilian's group was actually taking off clothes. It is nude festival......
over 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>andy_lau_spain hahaha(・∀・) Japanese junk food VS Spanish japanese food!! Really? Spanish feel Spanish food @ Japan is delicious. I was relieved the things. I want to eat spanish food!! (゚д゚) But......Spanish food is expensive too. sosad。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。
over 16 years ago


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