I've done Voice Over for movies and tv ads but I've actually never heard how a professional does it. Today we got @jeandanker to do the V.O for @ohmyhomesg new ad and I was so impressed with her voice! It's like honey with a sting. I've listened to @jeandanker on the radio since I was in secondary school and yet she still looks so young, she's amazing. Love her voice.
Love @gal_gadot in #wonderwoman but you know what? We are all Wonder Women! Cheers to all the strong women out there, we are all amazing ⚜️
This morning....Hubby came home from work trip with presents for me.... still in dreamland ?☺️?❤️ cuz my sleep comes in 2 hours packages every night due to nursing. 2 hours= 2 presents. lol maybe I should sleep more ?. Haha... #yawnyawn