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Sunglass Hut X Lamborghini X Nike|Sunglass Hut X 林寶堅尼 X Nike|Sunglass Hut X 林宝坚尼 X Nike

Even YSL is making these. Sunglasses is a must ![](/attachments/2009/01/38019_200901231507141.thumb.jpg)I used to buy my shades from the Sunglass Hut in Singapore,which was right next to my dad's shop.... many many years ago.While shopping in IFC , I saw Sunglass Hut and out of curiosity i walked in ........... wow.....................they have all the Ray Ban stuff..... in all colors !!!!  haha...whenever you see product shots against a black or wooden background...it means..... it's taken in my house...either on my dining table or my sofa.....                                           YAY !!! Sometimes.... all you gotta do is to stay positive and....                                    TO WISH !While I was in Singapore, I came upon the Lamborghini gathering playgroundI wanna match each Ray Ban with each LamboAll you gotta do is WISH ......................................................... ya right..... well well well  for now....we can still stick to the most traditional method of transportation !!!!  Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kHdNkAPBdwWho needs a Lambo?? |
連YSL也推出這些。太陽眼鏡是必須了![](/attachments/2009/01/38019_200901231507141.thumb.jpg)在新加坡我慣常會到Sunglass Hut購買的太陽眼鏡,


在國際金融中心購物時,我看到Sunglass Hut

在好奇心驅使之下 我走進店內...........哇.....................

他們有齊Ray Ban的所有東西.....所有顏色!!!!哈哈...每當你看到一些在黑色或木製背景前所拍的產品照片時...




                                           祈願!當我在新加坡時,我偶然走進一個林寶堅尼遊樂場我希望能為每部林寶堅尼都配一副Ray Ban眼鏡你所要做的就是祈願 .................................................. .......沒錯.....好吧好吧好吧,現在....

我們仍可以堅持用最傳統的交通工具!!!![](/attachments/2009/01/38019_200901151506555.thumb.jpg) Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kHdNkAPBdw誰需要林寶堅尼?? |
连YSL也推出这些。太阳眼镜是必须了![](/attachments/2009/01/38019_200901231507141.thumb.jpg) 在新加坡我惯常会到Sunglass Hut购买的太阳眼镜,


在国际金融中心购物时,我看到Sunglass Hut

在好奇心驱使之下 我走进店内...........哇.....................

他们有齐Ray Ban的所有东西.....所有颜色 !!!!哈哈...每当你看到一些在黑色或木制背景前所拍的产品照片时...




                                           祈愿!当我在新加坡时,我偶然走进一个林宝坚尼游乐场我希望能为每部林宝坚尼都配一副Ray Ban眼镜你所要做的就是祈愿 .................................................. .......没错.....好吧好吧好吧,现在....

我们仍可以坚持用最传统的交通工具!!!![](/attachments/2009/01/38019_200901151506555.thumb.jpg) Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kHdNkAPBdw谁需要林宝坚尼??

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  20 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
I NEEED one... ;-)
almost 16 years ago
Photo 43244
are these boy or girl shoes, cause i want a pair!!!! dope! (I'm making a WISH right now)
almost 16 years ago
i love nike too ...
almost 16 years ago
Photo 96013
love this pair!cute spring color~:D
almost 16 years ago
Photo 50728
Lambos, Nikes & Wayfarers. Swagger level 9.9 :)
almost 16 years ago


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