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Race Wong
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MY 1ST F1 RACE|首次直擊一級方程式賽事|首次直击一级方程式赛事

THE WORLD'S MOST ANTICIPATED F1 RACETHE WORLDS 1ST F1 NIGHT RACESINGAPORE'S FIST F1 RACEMY FIRST F1 RACE EXPERIENCE LET'S TAKE A PEEK AT THE PITSFERRARITHE GAS PIPE THAT ROBBED MASSA OF HIS TITLEAND THE FERRARI SUITE RIGHT ABOVE THE PITS According to my survey, the Ferrari Suite is the best suite amongst all others. The deco and atmosphere before the race is superb. Lotsa food, people dancing to the loud music. I thought this should be the way. But... i heard from my friends that the other suites they were in were like a typical Chinese restaurant with large round tables ,everyone's seated at their allocated seats and the ladies all dress up like they're going to a gala dinner. I'm so glad the Ferrari suite is so cool ! KIMI IN THE HOUSEIT'D HAVE BEEN PERFECT IF FERRARI WON  stay tune for more  | 萬眾期待的一級方程式賽事



我的首次一級方程式現場經驗讓我們先看看修理站FERRARI 馬沙的冠軍就是被這油管所奪去法拉利車隊的套房就在修理站正上方 根據我的觀察,在所有車隊套房之中,法拉利車隊的套房是最好的。從裝飾到比賽前的氣氛都相當好。美食羅列,人們隨著響亮的音樂起舞。我想本應該如此。可是...聽朋友說,他們身處的套房如同擺放著巨大圓桌的典型中國餐廳,每個人坐在被分配好的位置上,女仕們打扮得像出席晚宴一樣。我很高興法拉利車隊的套房如此之酷! KIMI在這裏如果冠軍由法拉利奪得那就更加完美 下次見| 万众期待的一级方程式赛事



我的首次一级方程式现场经验让我们先看看修理站FERRARI马沙的冠军就是被这油管所夺去法拉利车队的套房就在修理站正上方 根据我的观察,在所有车队套房之中,法拉利车队的套房是最好的。从装饰到比赛前的气氛都相当好。美食罗列,人们随着响亮的音乐起舞。我想本应该如此。可是...听朋友说,他们身处的套房如同摆放着巨大圆桌的典型中国餐厅,每个人坐在被分配好的位置上,女仕们打扮得像出席晚宴一样。我很高兴法拉利车队的套房如此之酷! KIMI在这里如果冠军由法拉利夺得那就更加完美 下次见

about 16 years ago 0 likes  46 comments  0 shares
R2 Race @ F1 Race? I am very jealous as I wanted to be there very much! Looking forward to your new film!!!
about 16 years ago
an "amazing Race"! ;)
about 16 years ago
Race attending the RACE of a lifetime lor....amazing Races!! babes when u come back hk? so u in sg now?
about 16 years ago
nice :)
about 16 years ago
Photo 37580
heh you look so excited.
about 16 years ago
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ha ha, i hope you meant that joke on purpose... ;-)
about 16 years ago
Photo 96013
wo~you're standing in very special place!you look cool!I've been to F1,used to have F1 near my place(SUZUKA japan).you have to zap~your head really fast when the machine comming in front of you hehe.enjoy~^^
about 16 years ago
Photo 78945
Great great great !! I want to go too !!
about 16 years ago
about 16 years ago
Photo 50475
MISS F1 tracks and shooting the stuff......... Night race is COOOOOOLLLLLLLL
about 16 years ago
Photo 36943
about 16 years ago
Photo 33405
I was at the race too! We were sitting in the grandstand in front of where the first and last crash happened.
about 16 years ago


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September 11, 2007