Hey Yo ! I'm back from Macau ! I had a really great time at Michael's concert last night. I wished I could sing more than just two songs..... keke.. Well seriously, the band's great, the sound system's great, the audience's awesome so.... wow ! I enjoyed myself tremendously. Thanks Michael ! And Thank you to my beloved Sister Rozy who flew in to support me. My life's number one supporter of all time , every time ! 黃婉佩大過王敏德 (14:55)
王敏德昨晚於澳門舉行「Big Band"A Legend Reborn"澳門演唱會2010」,完騷後順道舉行生日派對。
他表示,太太要留港為兒子溫習準備考試,遲些才再與他食飯補祝生日,不過已傳了蜜語「I Foo Foo」短訊給他,即是「I love you」的意思。他揚言最欣賞歌手是譚詠麟,亦效法對方笑言自己年年25歲,不過卻被嘉賓之一的黃婉佩(Race)笑指:「我重大過佢!」
黃婉佩不再簽約唱片公司 (15:00)
黃婉佩(Race)昨晚於澳門舉行「Big Band"A Legend Reborn"澳門演唱會2010」,自言送了第一次給王敏德作生日禮物。
【on.cc專訊】 黃婉佩(Race)遠赴澳門為王敏德的演唱會擔任嘉賓,家姐黃婉君及姐夫亦專程由新加坡飛前來打氣,Race表示是首次在台上獨唱英文歌,被問會送甚麼生日禮物給壽星公王敏德?她傻笑表示不知道他生日,惟有送第一次(指首次獨唱)給他。她還透露現正為新歌錄音,準備在世界盃後推出新個人專輯。
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DxFXt6D-J0At the after party, Rozy and I were given a chance to catch up with so many of our friends whom we haven't seen in like six months. Everyone's busy, and flying all around. A special shout out to Andrew Lin and Amanda, our dearest Sis and Bro. Looking forward to your art exhibition this coming Wednesday at the Schoeni Gallery. Brother, You are such an all rounded talented artiste ! This week, I attended Atsuro Tayama's Spring Summer Fashion Show. Thank you to Alvin Goh who styled me for 3 consecutive events, AT, Simon Birch's Hope and Glory exhibition and for Michael's Concert. Your the bestest in town ! I'm so lucky to have such a great stylist. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPLJn47Gi_c Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNXKRgFd-8YVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s-XgufI7FsSimon Birch !!! Your exhibition is out of this world !!! The party was such a blast, so many people there i could hardly breathe. I gotta visit it again it's wonderful ! This exhibition's gonna last for another month, entrance is free of charge so EVERYONE, if you miss this, you are really MISSING OUT !! Please check out HOPE & GLORY@ Artistree, 1/f Cornwall House, Taikoo Place. 7am to 9pmVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMA3L4WZ5P0Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Swu0q1kxNx8