Some time back,
I attended演 藝 人 協 會 舉 行 籌 款 晚 會 . The theme for the evening was the 70s.
During the course of the dinner event, many well respected A list senior actors and singers were on stage to keep us all entertained. It was an eye opening experience, much more entertaining than the music awards. Those attended- singers, actors, directors, movie company bosses,etc. As most of the crowd's entertainers ourselves, it was all fun and there's lotsa of inner circle jokes, everyone's singing and dancing. The vibe was vibrant !
One of the entertainment that night included a bidding session.
The items available for bidding included Chinese paintings, alcohol, watches, jewelry, playing basketball with Shawn Yu, playing golf with Alan Tam, etc.
and the last big for the night was ANDY LAU'S BOWLING BALL!
I've been savoring it for months and rather than just keeping it in my house,
i think it's time to share this magic ball with everyone.
Guess how much the ball is??? (hkd)a) $30,000b)$75,000c)$100,000d)$130,000
Adam Freeland x Daft Punk x GOLD Music Video
Gearing up for our historic Presidential Inauguration this coming Tuesday the 20th, the duo of GOLD give a look into their new stop motion music video featuring a remix of Daft Punk’s “Aerodynamic” by Adam Freeland. Making for quite an interesting watch, we get a glimpse of Kubrick toys, Bill McMullen, and Dalek not to mention various cameos by Barack Obama. Check it out!
Source: Slam X HypeVideo:
btw, OBAMA'S lefty ! me too !!
i know Patrick Lee and Pat Lee's left handed too!
who else???? anyone? Join the gang !
Fresh Stuff From Jotapê Pax in Porto Alegre
a) $30,000
b) $75,000
c) $100,000
d) $130,000
Adam Freeland x Daft Punk x GOLD Music Video
為迎接本月二十日,歷史性的美國總統就職日,二人組合 GOLD 制作了一個包含有Adam Freeland 混音版本的 Daft Punk 之 "Aerodynamic" 的全新定格動畫MV。非常有趣的制作,除了奧巴馬外,我們還可一睹Kubrick 玩具、Bill McMullen 和 Dalek 的風采。請欣賞!來源: Slam X HypeVideo: 順道說說,奧巴馬是個左撇子! 我也是!! 我知道Patrick Lee和Pat Lee也是左撇子呢!
還有誰???? 有其他人嗎 ? 加入我們一黨吧!
來自Porto Alegre 的 Jotapê Pax 的最新藝術作品
我出席了演艺人协会举行的筹款晚会。当晚的主题是70年代。 晚宴中,许多备受尊敬的资深演员和歌手都在舞台上作出表演来娱乐大家。这是一个大开眼界的经验,比音乐颁奖礼更有趣。当晚出席的都是歌手、演员、导演或电影公司的老板。由于大部份都是艺人,使得整个晚会很有趣和充满大量圈内的笑话,大家在响亮的共鸣下唱歌和跳舞。
a) $30,000
b) $75,000
c) $100,000
d) $130,000
Adam Freeland x Daft Punk x GOLD Music Video 为迎接本月二十日,历史性的美国总统就职日,二人组合 GOLD 制作了一个包含有Adam Freeland 混音版本的 Daft Punk 之 "Aerodynamic" 的全新定格动画MV。非常有趣的制作,除了奥巴马外,我们还可一睹Kubrick 玩具、Bill McMullen 和 Dalek 的风采。请欣赏!来源: Slam X HypeVideo: 顺道说说,奥巴马是个左撇子! 我也是!! 我知道Patrick Lee和Pat Lee也是左撇子呢!
还有谁???? 有其他人吗 ? 加入我们一党吧!
**** 来自Porto Alegre 的 Jotapê Pax 的最新艺术作品