Quinn Johnson
模特儿, 调酒师
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Once Again Happy Birthday AnD!!! had a wonderful time there the othernight, and must say thanks. because if it wasnot for AnD or Pat lee for telling me to checkout the site.... i would not had met any of you today... well sure there are alot more of you i have not yet met, but you know what i mean.... gota love the AnD family and ppl take care of eachother here! =]

sooo yes.... like the Bos... "charlyn" says.... hurryw ith the pix already.....


The Alive Boys doing their thing with the press earlyer in the night... when i say early like 9pm... lol and ppl did show up late at around midnight even... haha

really this cake is to beautiful to even eat... well thats what people told me, i didnt care i was hungry and still wanted to eat it.. man till this day i still dont know if we could had eaten it??? PAT if your seeing this whats the deal yo? lol

here you all go.... DAN THE MAN! or as you can read on his nametag... that night we called him Retard.... haha and he is a a jokester him self... going around allnight with his little minicam... which was a squirter...lol got my friend lai lai... face full of water! hahaha she was scared of all cameras after that...

Daren and i.

Also a good thing we showed up early... got to sign the wall =]

buddy Pat Lee! finaly gota meet up with him here in hk. has alot of projects he been working on. think next thing he got out is a music video... this picture was Taken for our Dear Friend Ohm!!! who could not be with us for the party. but i will see my beloved manager very soon in korea! cuz his ass needs to fly me out there! =D

and yeah... she was way into him... hahah

Good shit! first time i get to sitback and watch the show... took him like 60seconds to finish this too... lol so it was a fast one

MC G!!! yo everyone this guy is hilarrious! and also Rocks the Mic! haha

Terence earlyer in the night.../ not yet drunk.... haha

Dan Segall! Food was mm mm good =D

And the Mastermind Behind the workds! patrick! good guy and great meeting ya! was a really good guy when he directed me to the corner where there was a table with a bottle of vodka and 6redbulls... lol

my Friend Earl, He's british.. haha, and Chris behindme, and there ya have it Andrew! he is cool... untill he told me "na.... you dont want to do acting.... its not a easy thing" lol i laughed and he made that face.... but still gota love the guy for what he came from and beceome.

yeah im drunk by now... its like 1 or 2am.... haha Eddie & Conroy

Eddie & Ah kit! dont know the otherguy... sorry la... ha

ohh man.... DJ miss Yello!  sheeee is sooooo damn beautiful! and she also Rocked the house!

yeah.... now this is later in thenight... Ahahaha look at daren... He is all About RESPECT! your the man Chinawhite!

kiki and i!

yeah i saw a "beer bong" and had to get in on this since its an american invention and all... man but they HAD NO BEER! so we were downing vodkaredbull! lol i think i was the fastest...well it wasnt like a glass was alot or anything...   but can anyone ID this guy? cuz i have no clue who he was... besides the beerbong man.... Ahaha

Me-Faye-Earl Crazy thing is... the two of them are the Sickest Dancers! and yeah... bestbelieve every one had their eyes on them when they were dancing... =]

Rachel and i!


Well my lazy ass has now posted another BLOG! enjoy every one! and again would love to thank all my friends, and wish my manager Ohm could make it out to be with everyone to party. but knowing his cheap ass it was here or korea... so im glad korea will be a longer stay.. haha and for everyone who was not able to make it to the party only hope my pictures could show a bit more from the other nigth and it was Fun... but im sure would be even greater if you all had made it! =D





time to go to the gym... byebye =]



接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  23 评论s  0 shares
excellent pics brudder! and beerbong man..that's min yoo...we were both on axn macau xtreme in 2006...which he won :)
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 38281
Fish- you mean the beer bong guy?his name is min yoo? and Char- thanks ;D hehe but am glad could share.... lol and your getting all the free training coz you pay good money dear... and your prolly the hottest one working out there everyday! lol should be their spokes person now...
接近 17 年 ago
yesiree...that's min...my roommate and alleged 'arch rival' during macau xtreme...that's 'reality' tv for ya :P
接近 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
great blog!
接近 17 年 ago



english, mandarin
Los Angeles, United States
September 14, 2007