Official Artist
Quinn Johnson
Model , Mixologist
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so yeah, i guess i did die after the last blog i put up... haha

my computer ended up dead  for a while so i was compless... =[ i left bangkok dec 11, had to rush back to my family. father was in surgery and my grandmother also fell and broke her hip... and it was really hard position for me to be in. stay and work. or go home... duhh so i was home for a month n half taking care of the fam. and it was also good to just be back for christmas also.

i just bought my self a new laptop and it kicks ass.... i spend most time playing video gams rather than blogging... shit what else is there for me to do? just landed in singapore 2days ago... i live on the east side so i have also no clue what to do around here...lol

but besides not knowing what to do... the country is beautiful and every one is nice... =] now also with my laptop ill be able to load my pix on it... but yet again if you all know me from b4... im lazy... and if you want to see pictures you really have to bust me in the balls to get me moving...

but yeah, la wasnt all play and vacation. i shot for the solis campaign with ohm. there was freaking 5 guys and 1 girl? man it was a bitch... not just that because we shot out in the desert.... and it was sooo damn cold... and then we also were shooting nude... so thats the bitchpart of it all. lol but am glad we got some kick ass pictures... like insane pictures... cant wait to see them. so after the shoot, what would ya know... near by is a casino morrongo... and knowing ohm to be a damn addict to slots... yeah. we went to go play after the shoot.... with my damn paycheck! first time i played the slots... i put in 20$ and won about 340$ and i told my self okay im done im quitting... ohm tells me no no you will hit the jack pot and trust me... your playingon free money now... and in my mind im like ughh yeah my freemoney that i would like to keep. lol and that instant that ass won 300 right next to me... so i guess we were lucky so i started to play. and lose... at the end of tnight i lost about 300 i won, and 200 of my own pocket...

and for ohm... hahaha well he won total about 11,000 that night... and lost about 800 of it....

and the worse part was driving 3hours back to la to the hotel, knowing we had to be in sf the next morning... in fact we woulda missed our plane if it wasnt for the shitty weather and delay =]

but yeah i never been to sf b4 and it was so beautful... i kinda want to move there some day... well maybe for a few months...

ohm had his book signing there, at the solis store. and basicly my job along with the other 2 boys were to look cute and talk to the guest. so they threw us in some underwear... a hoodie... and boots... and thats what we were working with... lol as we leave the hotel to the limo to take us to the event... as we go into the lobby. every one just looked at us and thought we were chip n dales or male party boys... lol but yeah it was also a fun night...

i do have some pictures from sf and the event.


yeah this girl was kinda all over us... that night... or every one... maybe? or maybe its just the aussey bum underwear ;D they are niceeee

about 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares


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english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
September 14, 2007