Official Artist
Quinn Johnson
Model , Mixologist
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My first Trip To China

Yup yall heard me. comming march 2nd ill be heading to shanghai for a TVC shoot for minuite maid =]

but sad thing is... my stay would be till the 4th only... =*[ can only pray my flight will be atnight...

been quite busy these past days, have been shortlisted for nivea aswell in bangkok am waiting to hear news from that. then tomorrow have my self a adidas show. hope i get to keep the gear! as i got to keep my Tees and Dunks from the nike show i did. =]

well say if i do have half a day free in shang hai... what to do? any ideas?

i also got my lazy ass to dig up my cam, so i shall bring it along this trip to take pictures. and do my best to get backinto a babbit of blogging... =]

ttyl and hope every one has a great weekend!


3/2/09 day 1 and half?

okay so i just finished my shoot for the TVC... and even in the studio... wow it was cold!!!

woke up at like 630... after landing lastnight at 1130pm. was a long flight... longer than usual on the way here... boarding was delayed by 45min. once we finally got on... some one on board got sick was was throwing up? had to be escorted off by a paramedic. and that was another 15min... then we finally leave the gate... not about 2-300 meeters... the plane stops like it crashed into somthing... and i was like in a deep sleep while this happend and just woke up and thought to my self... OH shit... haha i thought we had crashed or somthing! but thats what it felt like... we crashed into somthing... so we went back to the gate... took another 35min to find out what happen and then finally take off to shang hai... haha

once we got off the plane the cold was quite refreshing... but not so much anymore... think im catching a cold now... lack of sleep and food... to busy shooting... bit of a sore throat. =/

well i got some pix of the shoot, but my cam died out. and you all wont believe who was also there... want to guess?

Mr Eason Cheung! Mr HK STAR

well he didnt shoot untill my parts was finished... funny thing is i was shooting for south east asia... and he was shooting the SAME tvc down to every movement and story line in China, Hk, and Taiwan...

i ended up being his arm double... they told me coz i have better looking arms? lol... i guess i have been working out... so maybe? but i thought it was all bull... he was in his dressing room with 6'5 Chinese police Security guards standing all around... lol like the guys who were security its almost there was a sertain BREED for these dudes! haha

so now its time for a nap... will headinto the heart of the city some time around 7 with the other models to meet up with Myshoko =]

also think will be hitting up racks later tonight? who else is down? =P

the castings peeps promised they would try to find a later flight for me, so i would have some more time here in china! i mean it blows if im here for the first time... and i come wake up work go out for a bit atnight then next morning have to leave.... =[ right?

well pray for me yallthat they help me change my flight! haha

hell i would have thought it was a sign for me to get the hell off the first flight here after all thats happen. ughhh... cold... need... sleee....p....

talk to yall soon! and with pix.



about 16 years ago 0 likes  37 comments  0 shares
Photo 41406
Oh you are coming to SH ! What would you like to do ? Shopping ? visit ? party ?
about 16 years ago
Photo 37580
Hmm yeah I was gonna suggest talkin to Myshoko...but guess she beat me to it heh. Good luck with everything, grab me some addidas shoes, size 10 or so hehe.
about 16 years ago
Photo 38281
LOL shopping? could do... =] or party. but thats.... prolly not going to be a good idea... haha may miss my flight! and yeah forsure pick you up some fake addidas lol =] but i guess what can you do as a tourist for oneday? haha i guess would have to ask you myshoko
about 16 years ago
Photo 52524
i have a good idea for you. sleep....... btw.nivea is not confilm yet? which 1?
about 16 years ago
Jayson 93 2
Good luck with the Minute Maid TVC and hope you get the Nivea gig. Last time I was in Shanghai for a day I just took a walk along the waterfront and took lots of pictures. The waterfront is one of the prettiest I've seen so far.
about 16 years ago
Photo 41406
Well as i'm not chinese, i can not really take you to typical local places but otherwise if you don't mind I can try to be a guide =) For daytime there's few tourist spots good for shopping and visit at the same time and for night time I think Rack's is a good choice for a drink and play pool. Clubbing on tuesday kinda sucks but we can try if you really want to. Oh and yeah we can go to the fake market for Justice ;)
about 16 years ago
Photo 37580
Oh Shoko's not Chinese nevermind, find a better guide heh.
about 16 years ago
Photo 41406
*Slap Justice's head* -_-;
about 16 years ago
Photo 37580
Hehe I was just joking, I've always known She's Viet...even if she grew up in france...*shudder* hehe jk.
about 16 years ago
Photo 37580
Who's Q, this is my comment box haha jk.
about 16 years ago
Photo 38281
LOL!!! omg... what its two days i dont check on line and yes... i get JACKED! eh was really shocked when i went on and saw 25comments on this blog... lol but yeahi dont know how much time ill have not since i couldnt get my visa in time. instead of arriving at 5am the first day i arrive at night... =[ so one day gone already. but forsure racks would be somthing id like to go check out =] and Justice the Audition went really well. haha went in with some friends and jean. and we saw guys doing the audition where they basicly have to storm a room with a hand gun. and in the room is two fully armed dudes with boody armour and scary face mask... and way bigger guns than yours... and ughhh i dont want to sound harsh but after looking at some of the ppl there i kinda thought already i was much better. then it came down to the interview, snap shots and that was it. just talked wit the director the whole tme. then i asked if we had to do that breaching scene? and the guys said no. you guys already pass... and i was like What?! can i do it for fun atleast?! LOl so i got to do it... lets just say... jean knew the Score... hahaha but yes thanks everyone... i shall be snapping alot of pictures while im there... immagine if i see that twoyear old kid who smokes? wow will ask for a damn autograph. thats forsure... and justice fake shoes is quite heavy... how about i buy alot of fake underwear? just shipp it to ya? lol =P that and socks are on the tobuy list. =]
about 16 years ago
Photo 41406
As i can not send you PM, hit me up by email ltrinh@myshoko.com if you have time to hang out =) maybe see u soon !
about 16 years ago
Photo 41406
Muahahah high five JediJean ! ^_^ v and thanks Moon for your support ;) *tongue out to Justice*
about 16 years ago
Photo 37580
Boo you all stink...hmph heh.
about 16 years ago
Photo 37580
Oh yeah, forgot, congrats on the audition. Knew you could do it hehe.
about 16 years ago
Photo 38281
lol adventures? or lack there of you mean... was to busy... not much happend. but did get to go to racks... and hell its like 4times the size of the one in hk... really nice! =]
about 16 years ago


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September 14, 2007