Official Artist
Quinn Johnson
Model , Mixologist
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So Guess what every one??? i dont know if you all have heard of MANHUNT or not, but its basicly a model contest... or a manpagent? haha... and yeah.... im kinda in it now. such a last min  thing too... but i guess my manager "ohm" got us in the last min and now im Mr Ireland.... haha thats cool as hell.... and my friend Sam is Mr England.

dont ask me how that works i dontknow. but it just does.... lol and when they told me i needed a talent i was reallythinking of not doing the show... coz 4weeks is way todamn soon to find a talent for me to do... haha i dont think im that talented =/

but it will be taking place in korea from end of may till early jun? think its a weeklong. will be judging on swim wear, casual, tux, and a national costume????

umm yeah kinda out in the wind there for that one...  so if anyone knows what i could do for a national costume for ireland please help me out. haha cuz i was thinking like, GREEN SHIRT with the KISS ME IM IRISH on it.... =P hahaha

so now with this new info, i have decided i will not be going out to drink priorto this event, so ill be in the gym most of my days now. so hope the best for me... haha

just still tink this will be fun. and funny.... =D



almost 17 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares
why ain't cha representing sg? and u could do some motorcycle stunts?
almost 17 years ago
Photo 38281
HAHAHA if i really had a choice id rep my own home.... USofA and hmm that would be a sick idea... but would be hard to find a sports bike in asia, and to pull thoes moves on stage with a shit load of ppl in the audience... AHAHA hope i dont take out a judge.... but im just glad there nolonger is a talent portion....
almost 17 years ago
Photo 37580
Yo man that's cool. Good luck with it. It would be tight if you could ride a motorcycle on stage heh. Maybe do some BJJ on one of the judges sure they'd like that hehe.
almost 17 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
National costume??? Maybe some strategically placed Celtic tattoos? Just don't do anything permanent! I was Googling Irish National Costume and came up with the fact that the English banned any distinctive Irish national costumes beginning in the 16th century (1500s). So, unless you want to dress like you're doing Irish Step Dancing (please say you won't), I'm not sure what you can wear. I think the weather is going to be a bit warm for tweed pants, tweed jacket and brogues. Just don't dress like the Lucky Charms Leprichan (sp???) whatever you do!
almost 17 years ago


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September 14, 2007