Official Artist
Quinn Johnson
Model , Mixologist
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Korea - Seoul

Hey everybody, yes im alive and kicking here in seoul... the schedual has been crazy... and the lack of internetacces is hard to getonline and blog about each day. so as you all know now is Day 3.

day 1 on the 28th landed at 8 got settled in... but then my friend SAM "england" never told anyone his flight schedual so we didtn know when the hell he was comming in... and no one was going to go pick him up and.... on top of that he didnt know where to go. and im sure his cheap ass didnt have anymoney on him either. so we decided to wait there for which we were hopeing was his flight from hk to korea flighing koreanair... so we waited till 12atnight for him to turn up. so that was that. got in to sleep late. and woke up early the next morning... and its kinda been that way every day. lastnight we went to the airport to celebrate its 3rd award for the worlds best airport? lol whatever, it was boring as hell... sat and listn to bunch of ppl speaking... and quite a few of us started to doze off.... then finally the damn fashion show started... but then that was the longest fashion show i have ever seen! 2 hours... just about... but BY FAR the BEST SHOW I HAVE EVER SEEN! brought tears to my eyes... i did not take anypictures but will try and find some one who has some to post up when i get back. but yeah... we didnt get out of the event till 11 25. then went back to our hotel at the airport... to get our crap then load up on the buss again to take a hour drive into seoul. and who would know guys would have so much shit that a whole bus could not hold 24guys and their luggage. ended up putting them on the seats... and what do you know not to long after we are on the road... the bus kidna dies out... scared us... thought we might had to walk to seoul... haha but we got there eventually.

today has been a okay day. more free time. but had to learn our stupid dance routine to walkout to for the gay swimwear portion.... lol and the dance is such a joke... and wait till you see what we have to wear! hahaha well right now its about 5pm. am going to find some dinner and hit up the casino with ohm and sam... so wish us luck! ;D

as for all the other guys here, i can say its a very interesting group. not everyone speaks english and for a few people its their first time in asia and eating some of the food being served to them. having some good times here with the guys as well. every one is really nice. just mr vietnam seems kinda shady... dont really talk to anybody... but could be cuz he dont speak english... or dont want to even try... who knows... but on the website they have been posting some pictures of everything going on. i look like a bum.... and wel found out what internet votes count for. its a spot in the final 15... so 1 spot will be decided by the public, andthe other 14... by the judges... sort of have a feeling the korean guy will be one of them since this is his country and he showed up just today... kinda acting like a vip or somthing. eeh well im having alot of fun here, saturday we will be going on a tour all together of the city and hit the marketplace to shop. then i think the day of teh contest after at night we will have some big ass party? dont know. flight is at 10 20 am the next morning... =x   but ohm did tell us we could change our flight to stay till the 4th. so maybe ill be thinking of doing that just to see the country a bit more. very interesting place. some of the areas remind me of back home. very open... and better yet THEY DRIVE ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE ROAD!!! =D so yeah weather is chilly at night. so i love it... long as my shirt aint sticking to my body its all good.

well time to run and get things going. will try and keep updating day to day when i have the chance. but affraid no pictures till i get back.

check out whatever pictures they have on the website and go vote! =D


thanks everybody for the love and suport!


Quinn Aka your Mr Ireland ;]

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
You're from Ireland!? I'm half Irish. Well .. 3rd generation, but still. It's one country I'm figuratively DYING to visit. Next time I see you I'm going to bug you to tell me all about my (great great grand ) fatherland.
almost 17 years ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
btw .. you should go hang out in Sinchon. Nice young hip part of Seoul with lots of neat shops and good restaurants. My x-gf lives in seoul if you need to call someone in an emergency. ^__^ She's a cool person.
almost 17 years ago
Pamelynchee ac pamelynchee
yo mr ireland ..good luck;0p !
almost 17 years ago
Photo 23329
you knwo its funny i opened the page and thought of teh same too ... the guatemala guy look at him aand tell me he dunt look like one of the spice girls ... .how gay .. hahahahahaha dude i spend 2.00 you better do us proud yo !!!
almost 17 years ago
dude, i like your headshot best in the 'contestant' page...got a good feel about this :)
almost 17 years ago
hey buddy, i know the final is tonight so all the best to you... i'll be back in town on wednesday afternoon so hopefully we can catch up
almost 17 years ago


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english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
September 14, 2007