Quinn Johnson
模特儿, 调酒师
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Well every one, today is my last day in singapore, well yesterday anyways... its 4am right now... haha

well went to the beach with all my roomates and it was good to have them around. and meet up with alot of friends there at the beach also. was one big party... and buncha random old euro peeps and them asian girls chasing them... lol but everybody was drunk what ever... btw i was not drunk. so was there for a good 8hours. got my self a nice tan =]

now i been packing all night, dead tired... but cannot sleep now... if i sleep i will not wake up formy plane. haha figure i wont even sleep once i get to hk... to much to do... i need to go shop thats for damn sure! gota be fly

i shall post some pictures from the beach once i get to hk. and things are settled...


hope hk would do me good as my new market!

wish me the best every one!

also thought i might staylonger, but i maybe going to korea afterwards... sounds nice as hell... but shit... i hear its Hotter than a heep of ... lol just HOt like no other mofo!

and i thought bangkok was killer with its rain and heat last summer... so korea is suposta be 10times worse... we shall see!


ttyl peeps

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  15 评论s  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Good luck in HK. That is one city I want to visit. I love food and Hong Kong sounds like a food-lover's paradise. Too bad I won't be able to pass as local, like I do in Europe, and just take it all in unobtrusively. My ancestry is Central European, so no matter how you slice and dice it, I will look like a foreigner, not Chinese, not British. That will be a very curious experience for me, to be outed as a tourist before I even open my mouth. My only hope will to be to be able to wow them with my Cantonese (good accent at least, even if I only know 500 words)! Be sure and give us reports and pics once you get settled.
接近 17 年 ago
safe journey and all the best dude :)
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 49783
nice ! fingercross for u man!
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 38281
thanks everyone! =] just gotinto my new home... haha kind of a shit hole compared to the place i was staying in singapore... haha and im paying like 400 sing$ more.... lol will show you pictures of my new place yall! but lets hope the work will be good for me =] excited as hell, want to call a fewfriends up but dont have a cell yet. but yes, i will take care of my self char!!! hehe will sleep early otnight, dead tired... and guess what... i gues the extra money for rent is worth it... cuz californiafitness is like really 2mins or down the hill from my place... hahaha and i will miss yah, =P
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 38281
haha peachey you are far to kind to even bring such a thing up, even though i blush. i feel i do not deserve that. untill i have somthing for myself and a name, then maybe... but as of now im just a model... you see?
接近 17 年 ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
"but as of now im just a model... you see?" And I think what people are saying--this is enough.
接近 17 年 ago



english, mandarin
Los Angeles, United States
September 14, 2007