Official Artist
Quinn Johnson
Model , Mixologist
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First night out

hmmm i must say... i been here since monday and tonight is the firstnight i gone out... but i must say, im not so impressed.... went to dragon i around midnight and it was not at all what people have been describing to me, for months on end and even a year now, ppl been telling me that place is the shit its such a big ass party... so in my mind... ive been sykeing my self for this... and thinking its like this big ass place where every one goes to get drunk and dance and party... man i get there it looks just like anyother restraunt, or hell just like koi in bkk... but at a higherclass..

anyways... after a 30second walk in dragon i, we walked down the street to some other club underground i dont know, where all the models hang i guess... had to say... was a major cockfest... parden me. but one thing that was good aboutit was the dj and the music. that i liked. so i said what the hell why not just chill here for a bit, i mean i left home coz i had nothing else better to do. was suposta hang out with another friend but did not know what happend to her, she kinda vanished... hope she is allriht... so as time goes on i start to see alot of old faces from Bkk. it was cool. and then just the whole night i guess i was already in a bum mood... so decided to leave when my housemate left.

he is leaving nextweek so i guess we will be partying tomorrow night... i just hope we wont have a repeat of tonight...

if anyone know of anyclubs which are the Big kinds with the real dance floors.... you know? please hit me up...


otherwise im just going to find some nightjob bartending of somthing...

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
If you want to hook into the artist scene, go to Simon Birch's exhibition opening on the 18th. Details on Simon's blog. Sounds like it is going to be a cool show and the after party should be a good place to meet some interesting folks and party.
almost 17 years ago
Photo 49783
hey man , hows ya life in hk ? been busy lately ,, catch u up and chat on msn laterr ,,, take care man~
almost 17 years ago
Photo 38281
i went out saturday, was much better =] but i dont like how small the clubs are and there is no where to dance at all...
almost 17 years ago


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September 14, 2007