Quinn Johnson
模特儿, 调酒师
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Bangkok Fashion week

LOL i Missed The Castings...

400 models casted from 3pm-6pm... with over 40 designers...

what the hell... how i missed this you may ask?

well i was at another casting for a print job... where it took some time to get to, and once i got there they didnt put make up on me or do my hair or give me anything to change into but just had me go take the pictures... so i thought fuck... im not going to get this job because dont seem like they give a shit at all... so as soon as possible we took off to the castings and ended up stuck in Bangkok trafic for over an hour...(such a bitch) and by the time we got there.... the whole place was cleared out... lol so i missed out on like alot of runway jobs...


but just now b4 the fashion show i have today my booker called me and told me i got that job from yesterday... and i just dropped my jaw and said WOW... ahaha and every one around me started to look at me like all funny. but i guess thats some good news, atleast the print job would pay where i would have to work 6fashion shows.

but its just not the same when you walk down that run way... and have the lights on you... haha 15seconds of FAME! lol.... sad but its a rush!

well plan to get pictures tonight and will post soon.

Later ppl

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english, mandarin
Los Angeles, United States
September 14, 2007