so yet again flew china eastern back... and delayedonce more it was.... i think they have a big issue with delayed flights... ugh... i shall never fly them again... unless its the clients who are payingfor the fligt... then i really have no choice? =[
but yeah was there didnt have much time to go shopping for my Fake CK underwear =[ so i bought alot of chewing gum lastmin at the airport to bring back with me to SG... well worth it? haha but i will be leaving for taiwan on the 28th to see my mom and then to shanghai again on april 1st. take some time off to be with the mum and go down to xuzou to see the home town. am really excited for that. see my grandmother and my grandfather... need to go pray...
also my dad will be in china as well! his first time leaving america since we first came back from taiwan about 14years ago. am happy he finaly can get some time off and enjoy him self to travel. because in heart my dad is a backpacker... explorer, father, mentor =] love him lots. hope in the time im in china will be able to go meet him, or if he has time he can fly out to sg to see me some time in MARCH.... "hint hint" if he is reading this. haha
but yeah i have a cold... got picked up by friends at the airport lastnight... then they took me to timber for a drink and pizza... then it was off to nana for more drinks.... and then off to zouk for even more drink.... =[ so i think the drinking contributed to the cold... but its time for me to hit the GYM! im on hydroxy cut... this stuff turns you into a BEAST! >=D
hope i can have a sexy bod soon... atleast i cut down on my weight =]
will post soon with pictures from china....
left my cam in my friends car.