Dear K. Dear A. Dear ANYONE ELSE,
after the weekend full of shock, “hibernation”, question marks, confusions, fears but also hopes, it is time to take an ACTION now finally, to get up and try to live again, in better way as ever before so Please reTWEET it, Please FACEBOOK it, Please COPY & PASTE to your Blogs, Sites and Wherever ELSE is possible!!!
このアカウントは東北地方太平洋沖地震の地震の情報発信団体SAVE JAPAN の情報をリアルタイムで発信する公式アカウントです。皆さん、今回の震災情報を発信する際には是非私達のサイトにあるハッシュタグを付けて下さい。皆さん の発信した情報を私たちが整理し被災地に届けます。
You can also find here PERSON FINDER: 2011 Japan Earthquake in few different languages, including Japanese, Enlglish, Portuguese, Chinses, Korean.
Also following Tokyo Dandy site, there are another links to follow:For information and donations…
All Love for Japan and its People,
p xxx