Finally I've found some space and time and peace of mind and most of all an internet connection. I am just in the middle of my big escape from Japan: back to basics, back to Europe, back to Poland.
I've been here for exactly two weeks already and I feel like it's been just few days. All is so intense, so rich: food, nature, cities, new people I am meeting, my family and my great, really great friends over here. All is like a dream - very vivid one where PAST is mixed with NOW. And so far I have done: Warsaw/Warszawa, Poznan, Paris, Ostrow Wlkp. and there are more to come...
me a bit older /on the right/with my brother on the beach by Baltic Sea
How do I feel? It' s still hard to describe. Japan seems so far away like it has never really happened - Einstein was right again - the space and time exist as ONE!!! There is so much to tell you, so much to show you, so much to share with you. So be ready for big news to come from this part of the world where I AM NOW. From the Past. From Now. PS I am not so sure if digging in the past and photos is the right thing to do so, actually it's sooooo not me. But this whole trip is like emotional bridge between me Then and me Now and me Later, anyway. I guess I just need to go through it and forget for another 100 years. Maybe.
student time