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First week on set!!!

Just a quick word from the set of人鱼帝国in涿州(河北Province) where I just finished my first week of filming… prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /


As we are shooting the fight scenes first (with熊欣欣as our Action Director), I spent half of my time in the air, fighting with a sword, suspended by wires… The other half was basically “make-up” (which takes less time than before though: “only” 4 hours per day instead of 9 in order to make me look like a sea creature. By the way, I find the costume really cool!).


Anyway, you can guess that I’m quite tired and before I go to bed I’ll just show you pictures of what I look like after a week… Take a look: 


Nope, this isn’t make-up on me, these injuries are REAL!!!


The crew kind of forgot to give me the protections for wires before I got the make-up done and there is no way they could have done it after it was on… So I just acted like a “trooper” (which I regret by now) and said I could do it without the protections… Well, here’s the result… I’ll be careful now!


Oh, some of you might have noticed: I’m bald now! They changed my former costume for which I had a wig: now they shave my head every day! Feels so weird!


Despite the injuries, the fatigue and the… The lack of hair, I have to say that this is definitely the most fun I’ve ever had!熊欣欣is a great A.D. and I’m learning a lot from him and his crew… Everyone is really nice and the few images of the movie I’ve seen so far look terrific!


I’ll keep you informed!

15 年多 前 0 赞s  16 评论s  0 shares
oh shit ... that must be hurt !!!
大约 15 年 ago
Zhouxiaofei 88 zhouxiaofei
Happy 2010! Good far belongs to you!
大约 15 年 ago
Zhouxiaofei 88 zhouxiaofei
大约 15 年 ago


Pierre Bourdaud (勃小龙) is a former martial artist (Viet Vo Dao) who won the “French National Quyen Championship” 3 times in a row in 2000, 2001 and 2002 and also


english, mandarin, korean, french, spanish
Beijing, China
April 15, 2008