Thank you to everyone who took the time and left a note here to wish me a happy birthday! You guys and gals rock! My birthday was nothing short of just another day. I didn't have any type of celebration planned as I was orginally set to be working out of town. However the project got delayed, so I ended up being in Hong Kong during my birthday. The night before consisted of my warcraft guild taking me on a raid and them remarking that I should be out partying instead of playing WoW on my birthday's eve. But the fact of the matter is, I really just kinda wanted to take it easy and play WoW. On the day of my birthday, Michelle and a few of my fans threw me a little afternoon party which was thoughtful and nice. My friend, Gobi Ng (President of the Hong Kong Drift Club) showed up for it too. After that it was back home to my computer. | 謝謝大家留言給我的生日祝福!你們超棒!
我的生日跟平常一樣,本來打算出城工作,所以沒有任何慶祝計劃。但工作推遲了,最後生日那天還是在香港。前一晚,魔獸世界的朋友們極力建議我出去慶祝,說生日晚上不應該呆在家玩WoW。但其實我真的想隨意一點,玩WoW就好了。生日那天,Michelle和一些粉絲在下午給我辦了個小party,很體貼。我的朋友Gobi Ng(香港漂移俱樂部的總裁)也來為我慶祝。之後,我回家上網 | 谢谢大家留言给我的生日祝福!你们超棒!
我的生日跟平常一样,本来打算出城工作,所以没有任何庆祝计划。但工作推迟了,最后生日那天还是在香港。前一晚,魔兽世界的朋友们极力建议我出去庆祝,说生日晚上不应该呆在家玩WoW。但其实我真的想随意一点,玩WoW就好了。生日那天,Michelle和一些粉丝在下午给我办了个小party,很体贴。我的朋友Gobi Ng(香港漂移俱乐部的总裁)也来为我庆祝。之后,我回家上网
the cake was hard to cut, but good to eat | 蛋糕很難切,但很好吃。 | 蛋糕很难切,但很好吃。