Just got back into Malaysia yesterday to finish the principle shooting of a movie called Kinta 1881. I must say, even though I miss all my good friends in Hong Kong very very much, it's nice to get away after the whole Face magazine fiasco.
While on break I did an experiment regarding how fast a person can get from being in reasonably good shape to being in not-so-good shape. I discovered that with the constant intake of Doritos, marshmallow chocolate cakes, regular Coke, and oily carry-out foodstuffs, the turning of a decently defined abdominal region into a vague and squashy mess can be easily achived within virtually less than two weeks and in a less-than-gradual pace.
I sacrificed much for this academic endeavor. Use this information wisely.
But I must say, it's fortunate that I'm only an action choreographer on this one. But it made me feel good to see that most of the principle actors did an experiment similar to mine over their break as well.
Life is good my friends.