Yesterday my manager called me at noon and informed me that I'll be doing a 25 minute live television and internet broadcasted interview about my dog at 8pm. Not really knowing what to expect, I e-mailed the producer of the show some pics of me and my dog at my home in the states as I was instructed to do. Come 7pm, I meet up with the people and realized what I was being asked to do was simply be the guest artiste of the day on this show about animals for animal lovers. I love animals and I love my dog so I guess I was good for the gig.
The host, Kappy, introduced me to the viewers and we began the interview (more like a friendly conversation) with a monitor placed in front of us displaying questions from home audiences. After discussing a variety topics (from my film making experiences to whether or not I've ever tried to teach my dog kung fu), the fun was over. 25 minutes went by like it was 5.
After the interview last night, I met some people from the Hong Kong Rabbit Society who bought with them two bunnies for another segment of the show. They were pretty darn cute and acted more like puppies than what I thought rabbits normally would act like. Anyways, according to the people from HKRS (, a huge number of rabbits gets killed or abandoned in HK every year. It might not sound like something worth spending the time to think about, but after holding these huge rabbits on my lap to pose for a photo, I began to think about it. If you guys have some free time (and know how to read Chinese) go stop by their website.
After I said my good-byes to those two cute giant rabbits, my manager gave me a ride to Andy's house. While there, I ordered food, ate food, watched my best friend play WoW, then went home and played WoW myself. It was a good day
| 昨天中午經紀人打電話來說,晚上8點有個電視臺會來找我做一個25分鐘的現場采訪,還不知道節目內容是什麽,我只是被通知把我和美國家裏狗狗的一些照片發郵件給節目的導演。tictv.com的人7點鐘來了,我才曉得這期節目的主題是動物和愛動物人士,我被邀請為特別嘉賓。我愛動物,也愛我的狗狗,所以很適合擔任嘉賓。主持人Kappy在節目開始向觀眾介紹我,然後開始采訪(更象是拉家常),有個監視器放在我們前面播放觀眾朋友發來的各種問題。在討論完各種話題之後(從我的從影經歷談起,一直講到是否
one of the photos I showed on the show - sitting with my dog in the living room of my parents' house in Chicago last year...| 這是我在節目中展示的一張照片–去年在芝加哥,在我父母家中的起居室跟我的狗狗合影…
| 这是我在节目中展示的一张照片–去年在芝加哥,在我父母家中的起居室跟我的狗狗合影…
cute giant bunnies bursting from my gut...
| 可愛的大兔子從我的胃部跑出來
| 可爱的大兔子从我的胃部跑出来