Official Artist
Philip Ng
Action Director , Actor , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing
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fighting like a girl... | 象女孩一樣打...

There has always been the misconception that Wing Chun kung fu was developed by a girl for a girl, but in reality, Wing Chun is a method of combat that has been developed for human beings, regardless of gender, race, or even choice of eating habits.  Wing Chun's success as one of the premier combat arts is due primarily to it simplicity, efficiency, and directness in both its techniques and concepts. 

I have trained extensively in Wing Chun for many years and have taught it to quite a few people at my father's martial arts academy back in Chicago, so imagine my glee when I was offered a role as Chan Wah Shun (a.k.a Money Changer Wah) in a TV series about Wing Chun with a cast that included Sammo Hung (as Wong Wah Bo) and Yuen Biu (as Leung Jan).  For those of you who might not know, Wing Chun's historical mythology has been made into films in the past, with one of the most recognized in the martial arts community (and beyond) being the Prodigal Son, and Sammo Hung and Yuen Biu both reprise their roles in this new re-imagining of the Wing Chun mythology!  Also, a lesser known fact is that the real life counterpart to the character that I play, Chan Wah Shun,( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chan_Wah-shun) is the real life teacher of my teacher's teacher, driving home the fact that I'm acting as a historical figure that is in my direct martial art linage!

In addition to playing the role of Chan Wah Shun, I was also asked to be the Wing Chun kung fu advisor (due to my background as a choreographer and Wing Chun instructor), so besides having my hand in making sure the Wing Chun terminology used in the scrīpt is correct and helping with the fights that involved the use of Wing Chun, there are a few less obvious things that I did on this show which might be of interest if you watch this series.  For example, at the end of the opening credits, you might notice a computer animated fellow doing some Wing Chun moves. Those were my movements in cartoon form, lol.  In addition to that, you will notice that during Wong Wah Bo's (Sammo Hung) lessons to Leung Bik (Nic Tse), a series of Wing Chun techniques are demonstrated by anonymous men in black... look closely, the Wing Chun guy is me

In terms of my experience on this, I would have to say that in spite of minor difficulties, I rank this among my top 3 favorite projects that I have done up till now.  It's analogous to being at summer camp with your friends and family, where the camp project was to make a kick ass television series about kung fu.

Below are some photos that was taken on the set in China... enjoy!


我已經學習詠春拳好多年,在芝加哥我父親開的武館裏也教了不少人這門功夫。可以想見,當這部以詠春拳為主題的電視劇找我演其中一個角色Chan Wah Shun (又叫Money Changer Wah)時,我有多麽興奮。這部戲裏還有洪金寶(Wong Wah Bo)和元彪(Leung Jan)。有些人可能不了解,有些電影專門拍過詠春拳的歷史及發展故事,武術界甚至跨行的人都知道的、最出名的電影是《敗家仔》。洪金寶和元彪在這部戲裏重新演繹了其中的兩個角色,再現詠春拳的神話!更少人知道的是,我的角色Chan Wah Shun (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chan_Wah-shun)在現實中教過我師父的師父,我扮演的是在武術族譜中相同派系的老前輩!

除了演出角色之外,我還是這部劇的詠春拳顧問(我本來就是武術指導和詠春拳教練)。我需要確認對詠春拳的各種說法正確,還要看用到詠春拳的打鬥是不是對路。我做了一些比較隱蔽的事情,你看連續劇時可能會感興趣。如在開場結尾時,有個電腦制作的人在打詠春拳,那是我穿著動畫衣拍的,lol。還有,當Wong Wah Bo's (洪金寶)在教Leung Bik(謝霆鋒)的時候,一個黑衣人做示範打了一套詠春拳…仔細看,那個家夥就是我




我已经学习咏春拳好多年,在芝加哥我父亲开的武馆里也教了不少人这门功夫。可以想见,当这部以咏春拳为主题的电视剧找我演其中一个角色Chan Wah Shun (又叫Money Changer Wah)时,我有多么兴奋。这部戏里还有洪金宝(Wong Wah Bo)和元彪(Leung Jan)。有些人可能不了解,有些电影专门拍过咏春拳的历史及发展故事,武术界甚至跨行的人都知道的、最出名的电影是《败家仔》。洪金宝和元彪在这部戏里重新演绎了其中的两个角色,再现咏春拳的神话!更少人知道的是,我的角色Chan Wah Shun (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chan_Wah-shun)在现实中教过我师父的师父,我扮演的是在武术族谱中相同派系的老前辈!

除了演出角色之外,我还是这部剧的咏春拳顾问(我本来就是武术指导和咏春拳教练)。我需要确认对咏春拳的各种说法正确,还要看用到咏春拳的打斗是不是对路。我做了一些比较隐蔽的事情,你看连续剧时可能会感兴趣。如在开场结尾时,有个电脑制作的人在打咏春拳,那是我穿着动画衣拍的,lol。还有,当Wong Wah Bo's (洪金宝)在教Leung Bik(谢霆锋)的时候,一个黑衣人做示范打了一套咏春拳…仔细看,那个家伙就是我



on the set and happy to be alive...

| 拍攝中…很開心還活著… | 拍摄中…很开心还活着…

something must be happening behind the camera...

| 相機一定出問題了… | 相机一定出问题了…

admiring nic's sleeves...

| 霆鋒的衣袖很厲害… | 霆锋的衣袖很厉害… about to punch the imaginary trumpet outta sammy's hand - unfortuantely due to time constraints this fight scene was cut out of the China broadcasted version (but is retained in the DVD home version and the Hong Kong broadcasted version).

| 很可惜,因為時間有限,這一幕打鬥被刪掉了| 很可惜,因为时间有限,这一幕打斗被删掉了

testing the elasticity of my pants...

| 測試褲子的彈性… | 测试裤子的弹性…

"alrite nic, when sammy's not looking, kick him here"

| “霆鋒,當sammy沒看著時,踢他這裏”

| “霆锋,当sammy没看着时,踢他这里”

nic (Leung Bik) me (Chan Wah Shun) and anson (Leung Chun)

| 霆鋒(Leung Bik)、我(Chan Wah Shun)和anson (Leung Chun) | 霆锋(Leung Bik)、我(Chan Wah Shun)和anson (Leung Chun)

celebrating Yuen Biu's b-day on the set with his family...

WARNING - SHAMELESS PLUG ALERTThe series, Wing Chun, is currently airing in China and should be airing in Hong Kong sometime in the near future, so whenever you get a free moment, turn on the tube and check your listings

| 元彪生日,跟他家人一起慶祝…

警告-廣告 電視連續劇《詠春》現正在中國內地播放,不久將在香港播出。如果你有時間,請一定要收看!

| 元彪生日,跟他家人一起庆祝…

警告-广告 电视连续剧《咏春》现正在中国内地播放,不久将在香港播出。如果你有时间,请一定要收看!

over 17 years ago 0 likes  77 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, another awesome blog! you didn't have any other wing chun masters showing up on the set and challenging you to a fight or anything, did you?
over 17 years ago
Haha, fortunately no other masters of any kind showed up to challenge me in anyway, but I'm sure a few members of the cast and crew wanted to kick my (and my accomplices') buttocks for some of the pranks we pulled during our off times, lol!
over 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
well your dad must be pretty proud, i'm sure he'll be ordering a few sets on DVD to put on display at his wu guan...
over 17 years ago
Photo 23632
you are chao chin wah! hopefully with your background you can do more accurate stuff. wing chun was my love for quite some years... i always wondered how wing chun would fare in UFC type stuff. i think with grappling/ground fighting skills, it might do quite well - the system is unbelievably efficient. some jiujitsu type does need to make it a bit more rounded though.
over 17 years ago
01 04 andrew
wing chun is a very practical kung fu, A lots of movements from Jeet Kune Do which I learned evolves from Wing chun. look good in those pics phil!!
over 17 years ago
Photo 33405
cool, thx for sharing the behind the scenes pics. will have to check it out when it plays in HK.
over 17 years ago
Dsc 2026
hey just knew that u n vanness are gd fdz.. cool~ btw happy birthday to yuen biu : )
over 17 years ago
Photo 122938
over 16 years ago


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