Current mood:
It would be funny if it weren’t happening to me... Actually, I wouldn't wish this on anybody. While filming my latest film in China last Thursday, I was struck hard in the ear area by another actor during a fight sequence. Due to his lack of experience in filming fight scenes, he misjudged the distance and struck me in the ear (instead of the prearranged target of my forehead) with his forearm (instead of the prearranged striking surface of his boxing glove), which lead to the bursting of my right eardrum, which then in turn has now lead to partial hearing loss in my right ear. Could be permanent is the early diagnosis, but I go to a specialist on Tuesday when they open up (it is Christmas time, you know). For those of you who don't know how this feels, stick a piece of cotton in your ear and leave it there all day. Now, that's annoying... but it's what I'm going through right now. It sucks, don't it?
Fight scene + inexperienced actor = partial hearing loss...
p.s. I really truly honestly blame no one for what happened... it was merely an almost unavoidable accident (like so many) that should have been avoided to keep me from being as annoyed as I am right now...