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We learned a lot about ourselves attending the Alive Not Dead party last Thursday.  I discoveredthat the people I communicate with online (contrary to what I had previously suspected) are NOT cyborgs.  In addition to that, Andy, Van, and I were introduced to an unheard of beverage that I believe people call “beer”.  It’s a strange and funny-sounding name for a drink, but curiousity took us over so we gave it a try.   An amusing aspect of this strange concoction is that the more we ingested, the greater our urge to play thumb-wrestling grew.

|我們上周四參加Alive Not Dead派對,更加了解自己了。我發現許多跟我在線溝通的朋友(跟想象的相反)都 不是cyborgs。另外,Andy、Van和我被介紹喝一種從沒聽說過的、被叫作"啤酒"的飲料。有些奇怪,而且飲料叫這個名字很好笑,但我們因為好奇還是試了試。這種奇怪的混合飲料很厲害的是,我們喝越多,就越想玩拇指摔跤遊戲。

|我们上周四参加Alive Not Dead派对,更加了解自己了。我发现许多跟我在线沟通的朋友(跟想象的相反)都 不是cyborgs。另外,Andy、Van和我被介绍喝一种从没听说过的、被叫作”啤酒”的饮料。有些奇怪,而且饮料叫这个名字很好笑,但我们因为好奇还是试了试。这种奇怪的混合饮料很厉害的是,我们喝越多,就越想玩拇指摔跤游戏。

During the countless hours of three-way thumb-wrestling, Van was determined to triumph and take home the championship belt ( I guess he deserved it, since Andy and I did accidentally beat him physically a few weeks ago)…

| 經過了漫長的三方拇指摔跤,Van終於贏得了勝利,還把冠軍獎牌帶回家( 他應得的,因為Andy和我上周不小心揍了他一頓)…

| 经过了漫长的三方拇指摔跤,Van终于赢得了胜利,还把冠军奖牌带回家( 他应得的,因为Andy和我上周不小心揍了他一顿)…


On Saturday our little “Rat Pack” took off to a friend’s birthday party before heading over to our good friends’ (Ben and Jaime) abode to speak to their dog, Lola.  Lola informed us that in her humble opinion, “investors everywhere should reevaluate and decide to invest capital into movie projects that are truly unique and entertaining, rather than wasting money on something that is boringly formulistic and foolishly predictable.” We agreed 100%, though I think Andy became a little bit hungry after hearing the speech and wanted to eat Lola.

| 星期六我們小小的"鼠幫"先到好朋友(Ben和Jamie)家跟他們的狗Lola講話,然後參加了一個朋友的生日派對。Lola告訴我們她的想法:"投資者應該評估和決定把錢投在真正的獨立及娛樂電影計劃上,而不是把錢浪費在那些無趣的、公式化的、無聊的電影上"。我們百分百同意,但Andy開始有點餓了,尤其在聽了Lola的發言後,都想去吃它了。

| 星期六我们小小的”鼠帮”先到好朋友(Ben和Jamie)家跟他们的狗Lola讲话,然后参加了一个朋友的生日派对。Lola告诉我们她的想法:”投资者应该评估和决定把钱投在真正的独立及娱乐电影计划上,而不是把钱浪费在那些无趣的、公式化的、无聊的电影上”。我们百分百同意,但Andy开始有点饿了,尤其在听了Lola的发言后,都想去吃它了。


On Sunday a few of my very best friends were over at my pad to chill and watch a bit of the Old School.  Andy laughed so loud that my left ear went partially deaf for approximately twelve minutes.  My old friend Cat (whom I worked with on my first TV series a few years ago) was over to join in our chillness.  It was a relaxing way to finish off the weekend.


(special thanks to Daphinator for taking these pics )

(special thanks to Michelle for finding the tom.com pic )

| 星期天,我最要好的朋友來我家玩,看了些Old School。Andy在我左耳邊笑得太大聲,導致我半邊耳朵突然失聰12分鐘。老友Cat(幾年前一起拍我第一部電視劇)也過來加入了我們。就用這種輕松的休閑方式結束了周末。



| 星期天,我最要好的朋友来我家玩,看了些Old School。Andy在我左耳边笑得太大声,导致我半边耳朵突然失聪12分钟。老友Cat(几年前一起拍我第一部电视剧)也过来加入了我们。就用这种轻松的休闲方式结束了周末。



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45862083 0af2fd4d5d
hey i like that hat...
17 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i've seen this dog before!
接近 17 年 ago



Hong Kong
June 5, 2007