Phat Chan
剪接师, 音乐家, 说唱歌手
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Beijing & Singapore!

Wow... what a busy week, Beijing then Singapore.  Beijing... was DOPE! Very clean, peoples there were very nice! I love Beijing! My  tears drop when i saw the Great Wall finally! Hope can visit again very soon. The tattoo convention were great, i met a lot of Chinese tattoo artists, i am very surprise that China tattoo scene are that big, and most of them are doing pretty amazing job! But i didn't get any new tattoo at the convention cuz i was so busy to filming, taking  photos and doing interviews! Gabe... my teacher&big brother, most of my tattoos were make by him! This pic we took outside of the convention. Tattoo master Paul Booth( the big one )  andBob Tyrell He is one of the most famous tattoo model in China. This is my favorite...! It takes 4 months 150 hours to finish. Respect! This kid just 22 years old!  Photo with Paul Booth! Singapore trip was good too, especially the second show we did at club Lunar,  we just did great...hehe! Thank you for all the brothers and sisters from Malaysia and Singapore What' Good crew to show us love especially WZA all the way form HK just to catch our show! 24herbbrothers love u very very much!  Shout out to Bad Boy Ben and his lovely gf Eelin, Ryan@What's good, Harry, Alan and Jeremy@M.O.S& clubLunar!  Cheers!

16 年多 前 0 赞s  14 评论s  0 shares
Photo 78080
the show is DA BOMB!!!
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
辛苦晒~。 Because I wanted to know how things stood in China's tatto convention, I was interesting to see the pics.
16 年多 ago
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nice... except some of those guys are scary!
16 年多 ago
Photo 246443
北京干净吗???我待了22年了,没这种感觉啊!!! 来北京定要蹬长城地~“不到长城非好汉”嘛!haha~ 我最后一次蹬长城是去年的十月份,那时我跟朋友们蹬完长城下午2点多又去了趟龙庆峡(同样蹬山)~玩的都没累的知觉了……就是2个字:痛快!!
16 年多 ago




Hong Kong
July 24, 2007