Eight hours' waiting at the Charles de Gaulle Airport is embarrassing. Ain't enough to hang around outside, way too long to just stay and sit. Uncool.
French cuisine is really running closely after Chinese's, "Oh so good!!"|
法國戴高樂機場, 8小時的等候, 出去行時間又唔夠, 留喺度又太耐, 真係"大高樂"!
法國人的飲食文化, 果然同中國人有得錬, "唔係咁好食吖嘛"!!!| 法国戴高乐机场, 8小时的等候, 出去行时间又唔够, 留喺度又太耐, 真係"大高乐"! 法国人的饮食文化, 果然同中国人有得錬, "唔係咁好食吖嘛"!!!