Official Artist
Paul Wong
Music Producer , Musician , Singer
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Paul Wong - Interview | 黃貫中 - 採訪

Most of today's bands grew up listening to Beyond's music.  The members of Beyond, Tai Chi and others of that generation are the idols for many rock music fans.  And of these members, the strongest and most persistent is definitely Paul Wong. 

But when he hears this he only shakes his head in denial.

"Why do they call me the "Godfather of Hong Kong Rock?" he asked, feigning a serious demeanor as his eyes widen and he stiffles his laughter.  "Am I really that severe?  Or was I so serious in the past?"

Of course he wasn't, but when you consider Rock music in Hong Kong, it isn't much good if you refrain from mentioning Paul.  Without him it wouldn't be a real Rock party!

The "Godfather's" most recent development is bringing together all of the newest generation of Hong Kong's rock bands for the upcoming "Let's Fight" concert.  Even those whom he forgot to include have called him up asking "Why did you leave us out?".  They all want to be a part of this event -- including Steven Wong!

At the age of 15 Paul formed his own folk music band.  But his motivation for learning music is contrary to what many other musicians say.

"Why do they say that playing guitar attracts girls?  It was the opposite for me!  Once I started practicing guitar the girls ran away!"

It was with a fierce dedication that Paul would practice music, forgetting to drink and eat, locking himself in a room and avoiding all parties and social interaction.  Every day, week, month, year -- year after year -- he would practice until his fingers bled.  He would soak his fingers in ice water to stop the swelling and keep playing again until his finger tips were nothing more than calluses.

Most people regard Paul as the best guitarist to ever come out of Hong Kong.  They give him accolades like "The top of the field" or "The number one musician of his era".

But to this he replies "I'm just so-so."

"If you think about it, there is no number one in literature, there is no number one in martial arts.  Guitar is a type of literature so there can't be an absolute best, number one guitarist." He explains, admitting "It's easy for me to become engrossed.  Once I start to love something, I can completely engross myself in it."

He taught himself piano for the purpose of composing music.  "You can't play guitar with the same two hand coordination" so he used the piano.  And he taught himself drums for stress release.  "Unhappiness isn't something you can avoid, like bad weather and emotions" so he vents his frustration on the drums.

"I live in New Territories, not in the City" he said.  "I would go crazy if I lived in that kind of place."  He looks around his studio for a moment and then adds, "I like the singing of birds, and wind and sunshine and fresh air."  But even being in that environment he still works 6 days a week, Monday to Saturday, so there is very little time for relaxation.

When asked about the current state of the music industry he lets out an emotional sigh.  "You know, albums used to sell close to 200 - 300 thousand copies.  But today the best you can hope for is around 30 - 40 thousand.  Some only sell a few thousand copies.  How can an artist make a living this way?"

He says that today the agents don't just help them to sell albums, but they try to use the artist in advertisements, movies and television shows.  Being in a band used to be the musician's main purpose, but not anymore.  Now being in a band is just a novelty, but doesn't have much future.

"But I'm not so pessimistic.  I believe that there needs to be someone to step out and support these bands -- someone needs to take that first step.  I know that a band can be a vital force after 2 or 3 years, if their managers can have enough foresight."  Paul says, adding that he's had the idea for the "Let's Fight" show for a long time.  His hope was that many in the industry would join in to help organize it, but many people didn't think the idea had merit so he ended up doing it on his own.

His own set will last about 1 hour with over 10 songs in total.  He has given 2 hours of the show for other bands making a total of 3 hours for the show.  Paul, himself, will perform on both nights of the May 11 and 12 engagement, but the other bands will perform on either one day or the other.

"We also have some special guests" he mentions, "But I can't tell you who they are right now.  The audience would be very disappointed if any of them aren't able to make it."

"Hurry up and buy your tickets!" Paul says with a smile.  "Tickets rarely sell out after the show has started."

And while he doesn't worry about the box office he admits "I'll end up with a pretty severe loss if we don't sell well", adding "at the very least it will be a good experience and help me develop good friendships".

Finally he says "When you are in a place with Rock it's even better than being high.  Listen naturally to the music instead of using ecstasy."

It is clear he feels strongly about this final advice.

view photographs from this interview here find out more about the "let's fight" event here

written by: siu but dim

translation by: jojo chow

english edit by: mark moran



當然不是!但……,有關搖滾樂的一切,如果少了黃貫中,就不成局﹔沒有Paul Wong,又哪兒稱得上是搖滾聚會﹖

這個「教父」振臂一呼,「Let’s Fight」,香港新一輩的搖滾樂隊,幾乎被他囊括,一些漏網的,他說:「都打電話來問:『為甚麼不找我﹖』都說要來!」其中還包括家強!












「我倒也不是這麼悲觀,我覺得,要作主流,就要有人支持,但是要有人支持,先得有人肯走頭一步﹔我有預感樂隊在未來的一兩年裏,會有生機,但是還得要有有遠見的經理人。」阿Paul說他有這場「Let’s Fight Show」的意念已經好久了,他希望能有好多樂隊加入,但行內的人都不看好,結果只有他自己頂着頭皮上。








__________________________________________[view photographs from this interview here](http://www.alivenotdead.com/23241/viewspace1900.html) find out more about the "let's fight" event here

written by: siu but dim

translation by: jojo chow

english edit by: mark moran

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares
Photo 23794
http://hk.promo.yahoo.com/music/paulwong/200704/interview.html Paul's interview is very touching, he came out with the reality, at first I just decided to see the 2rd round, but I want to see 24 herbs so much...and after watching his interview, I have made the decision, Hk bandz...they need so much support than b4...this is no longer Anodize, Virus, Suvivor's CENTURY! teenagers r fork out for band show...make me so sad...I remember I MUST see 1-2 show every month.. when I was young(haha), but now, everything is different, most of my fds, they're no longer to play a band, so I left this circle too, until Qiu Hong won those band competiion, I come back to here again, and I have so much expectation of this show, I think Paul will light up my fire again :P, let's fight for everything together!
almost 17 years ago
Dsc 2026
我都係聽beyond大的... 好快便6月.. 好掛住他... 我相信rock也不一定要有粗口才行的 你說是不是... (re: current news of the show)
almost 17 years ago
Dsc 2026
我都係聽Beyond大的! paul 努力呀 we love MUSIC~
almost 17 years ago


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