After a month of visitors.. it has been truly wonderful.... and Just when everyone HAS LEFT!!!.. Friends i love you.. SICK kicks in.
Speechless, soundless, sleepless, life works in funny ways.....why is it when you stop.. it all comes at ya ....UGH.
this week was really an eventful week...and truly inspiring kick up the BUTT.
The Girls had a bit of a movie night.. so for all of you out there.. BE INSPIRED -- go see SHOPAHOLICS - the's entertaining...
and we girls were inspired to MADLY SHOP after....
Pecha Kucha - there to support friends.. LANCIPLE....and listen to INSPIRATION.
Well worth it.. venue was ALOT better this time around.
Pics courtesey of InTI!! >> AVIBE
One of my favs from da man.. hand illustrated. his love is vintage graphics...
Inti got her keepsake gift.. for paying attention!!
Next up was SKATE DVD release witness.
PROPS to the NIgel Ong...and Warren for this.. and everyone that was in it.
I have always been a fan and obsessed.... since i was a coordination sucks and i am better off watching...i get such a mad buzz from yes HK did it in the raw...waiting for part II.
finally to top a week.. ROCKCANDY.. and their fabulous line of Jewellery. If you are in HK.. check out their store #1 Elgin..Soho...ROCKALICIOUS Treats.
HOT of DA Shelf STUFF.. my fav is the Cassette necklace and the minature sunglasses....bring back old school music cassette tapes.. and they managed to embody it and you can wear it around your neck forever..
Gotta Say.. that the GALS from A-VIBEROCK......self customized Tees from RC...LOVE LOVE LOVE
and finally ..nothing is perfect without...
Open your eyes.!/Peonyrice