Pauline C
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IS it WORTH IT..3 secs of satisfaction?

A bunch of us were having chats today.. and  i always hear the same topics come up..i am gonna share my thoughts with you.

when you are in fashion.. as a designer how long is your life span in the industry?... you could be done by 25 ...so many talented peeps are coming on board this journey...we want to make the way for the new talent..it's exciting.

we are there to support and nurture... as a designer / artist are you ever truly satisfied with the work that you create.. for those corporate accounts.. it is a mad cycle.. we just keep on creating new clothes.. new fashion.. advertising, creating fake images of perfection, perfect lifestyle...and people just keep on buying and believing. What is it with that?

All the celebs that have clothing brands.. hmm.. smart.. make the money, milk it and run outta here. Drives me crazy but it is a different part of the fashion world. It is not a part that i desire. When you spend so many years working with artisans that have a skill and there is a strong heart and soul that goes behind producing and crafting a design..and a celeb comes along and calls themselves a designer.. with a hungry fat factory behind them.. its becomes the business of fashion without a heart...it becomes a "daaarling you look absolutely stunning..mu-ah..airkiss" shit.

Deep rooted. really don't care about that cycle.

Anti establishment rules.

The ones that make the $$$ aren't the little people that are running in the hamster wheel day in day out. The ones i like are the co's that put the $$ back into the society in some way to address the issues ..so if peeps want to spend the money.. fine.. at least it fuels the fire.

When you reach a point in design,  when you find that moment of being.. and being able to do what you truly love...that is a different self gratifying love and belief. Again it lasts for about 3 secs.

but it is worth it.. yup we in fashion are just suckers for those 3 seconds.

what are we really doing?

So many of us in the creative field have those days when you would rather be doing something small than working on the big brand...What's the passion that drives you on? its a vicious cycle.

checking out...

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha, a lotta people spend a lot of money for 3 seconds of pleasure... not just in the world of fashion. :-P
接近 17 年 ago
Paulinec 1a img 1269
yep fashion sits quietly in the background compared to film and music..the instant emotions are not there.. the costume designers contribute to the final effects as do the set designers...there's an art to this. ....as with the haute couture shows from Galliano to mcqueen...its like the movies and the clothes just help as a part of the mood. Fashion is just a trend.. the style leaders set the pace - there's different levels from street to high fashion...but its all cultivated by the influences upon us in society. Fashion is just a platform - used by the creators, whether it is the stylists or the designers.. or the moodmakers creating a piece that evokes emotion.
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 34128
For reasons unkown, I was pondering celeb "desingers" the other day. What I wondered was if they really design their fashion or only endorse it. Thanks for offering your perspective on the subject.
接近 17 年 ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Fashion is such a strange beast these days. There are the high concept designers who create things for the runway and fashion mags, but things that are truly unwearable in that form. Sometimes these concepts give others a wake-up call, a different frame of reference, a different way of envisioning the more wearable items that go into the fashions that can be worn in real life. But so much of fashion seems to be zeitgeist, not the work of an individual, but the shared collective vision of a society at large. This is where the mystery comes in. Designers will propose, and the zeitgeist answers with a different concept entirely, but one that takes off like wild fire and comes to define the look of an age. Fashion is a strange amalgamation of individul vision and collective consciousness. But the reality for most of us is we will never ever wear, let alone own, designer clothing. What trickles down into ready-to-wear (especially the lines I can afford) is a different beast entirely. Then it is the wearer who has to be 10 times more creative than the designer-for-hire to have any hope of expressing a sense of style. That end of the equation requires the wearer to have their own sense of personal fashion and to be able to recognize what will and will not express it. After a weekend spent trying on one depressingly inappropriate dress after another (the babydoll dress should never be made in sizes adult women can wear), I curse all low end ready to wear designers as lemmings that should have jumped off this cliff long ago.
接近 17 年 ago


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english, cantonese
Hong Kong
June 5, 2007