Was in HK over the weekend... and went along to a Nike One silent auction art exhibition - an arts event all in the name of charity....all proceeds went to Playright Children’s Play Association.
Artists had to create a message of hope on a squarish canvas to share with others - what matters the most to them.
This is the piece that i bid on... and quite excitingly...WON...adrenalin rush anyone??
Love it.... its by an artist who goes by the name Ames*one..
I loved the hot pink message.. and now this sits nicely on my desk..
ITS A FUNDAMENTAL MESSAGE.. it can be read two ways
not selfish enough... a family member actually told me a long time ago.. that i had to respect myself before others would respect me..i was a tearaway teenager.. who was thinking... what the f%$#@ are you talking about......
The truth came about later.. or you can say enlightenment..respecting yourself also means that you need to love yourself...and not abuse yourself.... women and men do that alot as you grow... some places - you are lucky to have a choice.. other countries.. as a woman ..or child.. or man.. do not have a choice... but the strength to love yourself enough to keep on going for both yourself and your loved ones takes a certain amount of courage and inner will.. and not everyone has that in them.
The 3rd way... i guess being a bit of a fashionista.. i can say..GO
LOVE yourself to treat yourself.. EVERYDAY..whether it be that cake...
or truffles... half an hour to read a few pages of a book, glass of
wine.. OR SHOP......mine is definately SHOES...shallow i know.. but i
deserve it at times...
Open your eyes. http://twitter.com/#!/Peonyrice