Patrick Chow
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Idol S6's great guy + great voice ...

yesterday,  interrupted mid-haircut ... Justin buzzed me from the Scotmobile and told me to waddle down pronto to the Grand Hyatt to meet up with the guys for some late afternoon alcoholic lubrication and brotherly bitch slappin'  ...

turned out to be a nice session at the Champagne Bar,  where we met up with American Idol S6 contestant,  Paul Kim, who was in town a few days with his manager, PRO ... it was their first time here, so Justin duely informed them of all the "must-do" nocturnal places of delight for them to "Discover Hong Kong"

Paul is a great guy and also a long-suffering die-hard NBA fan after my own heart ... we enjoyed a passionate chat about his beloved Golden State Warriors and my worrying masochistic fondness for the Oklahoma City Thunder, two of the saddest teams in the NBA this season. ...

i hadn't followed S6 of Idol at the time, but surfing it up on Youtube last nite, after being instructed by Scottie to check-out his incredible voice, i discovered that Paul, one of that season's early favorites had burned + crashed out by singing Careless Whisper ... bad bad song choice, dude! .... from a previous blog or message to someone (i think it was to Buttboy), my personal experience has taught me (but of coz not in the same league), Careless is a real bitch song to try and sing well, I manage to murder it and re-murder it, time and time again at karaoke ..... it seems to be a simple enough number, but it's like Titanic's hidden iceberg - destination doom beckons for anyone trying to brave it ..... kudos to George Michael (just to piss off Justin) ...


As we got peckish later, we managed to transport ourselves to a new street location in Soho, and continued the night with more lively testosteronal banter, interspersed with a tasty mix of Lebanese cuisine and 9' hot-dogs ....

All the best Paul & Pro!

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  19 评论s  0 shares
Photo 55108
elly ... i was referring to "Big Dog" Scottie Hui when i was point at the sausage pic .... but i gathered u guessed that anyway ... but just for ur information the sausage tip did have vertical slit (which we did discuss and thought would have been more appropriate tohave been photoshoped out) ;oP yeah ... been lucky to be meet loads of interesting people of late ... PRO was big chunky dude!
接近 16 年 ago


Lately i believe i'm getting more and more enigmatic (sadly, not by choice) ... a horizontally challenged man of many confused, yet complex layers amidst extrem


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
January 25, 2008