Fools Paradise is a specially designated room within the mental hospital. This room is designed for patients with stress due to work and pressure. The creation for Fools Paradise is influenced by the patient's imagination. At the same the number of patients have been rising consistently.
Zoo, Keiko, Ukim and Kids 係 Fools Paradise 嘅成員, 而 Fools Paradise 係一間精神病院裡面其中一間病房, 呢間病房係專門照顧因工作壓力導置行為失常嘅精神病人, 而 Fools Paradise 亦係圍繞住呢間病房嘅病人嘅幻想行為去創作出來的, 而呢間病房嘅病人亦會不斷地增加.
[Fools Paradise] created by Double Line