Official Artist
Patricia Liu
Actor , MC / Show Host , Model
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Take Her Picture

Dear all

I just finished the short film "Take her Picture", bascially, it is about a girl (me) who came to LA city and feel lonely and stuff like that and then met a guy and at the end, it is a love story.  i cant wait till to see the finish products.  i think it will be cool.

i still cannot find the commercial that i shot for intel about two months ago on youtube, still waiting.  i finally finished my basic veterinary course and now is deciding on whether to go to the medical school to continue the study.  it will be a long study for another 5-6 years.  right now, i am still not too sure about it.  coz i still have to fly back and forth to hong kong and china for jobs.  anyway, as soon as my career settled here in LA, i think i will cut the flying sequences coz it is really exhausted.


xoxo, Patricia Liu



剛剛完成了短片"Take Her Picture"的拍攝工作,這個故事大致講述的是一個女孩(由我飾演)只身一人來到了洛山基,在孤獨無助的時候遇到了一個男孩,最終譜寫戀曲。我迫不及待地想要看看最終的成品。應該會很不錯的。


xoxo, 劉綽琪|大家好呀!

刚刚完成了短片"Take Her Picture"的拍摄工作,这个故事大致讲述的是一个女孩(由我饰演)只身一人来到了洛山基,在孤独无助的时候遇到了一个男孩,最终谱写恋曲。我迫不及待地想要看看最终的成品。应该会很不错的。

在youtube上面还是找不到我两个月前为英特尔拍摄的广告,还是要耐心等待。我终于完成了基础兽医课程,现在正在考虑要不要去医学院继续学习。学习过 程可能要5到6年之久。现在我还是没有想清楚。因为工作的需要,我还是得往返于中港两地。不管怎么样,只要我在洛山基的工作一旦稳定下来,我想我会尽量减 少这样的奔波,因为实在是太累了。

xoxo, 刘绰琪

about 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
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cool. keep us updated. i'd like to see the vids!
about 15 years ago


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洛杉磯, 美國
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October 24, 2007