did you ever feel irriated when someone is talking real loud in public? yes, i just did. the lady sat right next to me keep on talking about her company and herself (within that 15 minutes, i knew that she has two colleagues changing their job to ING and sun life insurance and another new colleague will join their insurance company from AIA, she doesnt like her boss. she just cut her hair because she has a dinner function on the coming sunday......etc). I have no intention on being nossy nor do i want to know other people business. but her volume is just too loud and basically, she was forcing me to listen all these. i do understand talking on the phone is one of the best ways to "kill" your traffic time. but pls be considerate coz others might want to use these precious moments for sleep, reading or meditated....etc.
i swear "from now on, i will make sure my i-pod is always fully charged"!!!!! | 你們有沒有試過聽到有人在公眾場合旁若無人地大聲說話時很生氣?是的,我剛剛就經歷了這種事。我鄰座的那位女士一直在談論她和她公司的事情(就在那15分鐘裏,我已經了解到她的兩個同事分別跳槽去了ING和光大保險公司,而另一個新同事是從友邦調過來的。她不喜歡她的老板。她剛剛把頭發剪了,因為這個星期天要去參加一個晚宴....還有很多)。我絕對不是有意要八卦或者想去打聽別人的事情,只是她說話的聲音實在太大了,基本上可以說是在強迫我去聽這些事情。用煲電話粥的方式來打發在車上的時間,我是十分理解的。但是也請你為他人著想一下,因為他們可能想利用這些寶貴的時間來休息,閱讀或者是沈思...
我發誓,"從現在起,我保證我的i-pod一直都是滿電"!!!!!| 你们有没有试过听到有人在公众场合旁若无人地大声说话时很生气?是的,我刚刚就经历了这种事。我邻座的那位女士一直在谈论她和她公司的事情(就在那15分钟里,我已经了解到她的两个同事分别跳槽去了ING和光大保险公司,而另一个新同事是从友邦调过来的。她不喜欢她的老板。她刚刚把头发剪了,因为这个星期天要去参加一个晚宴....还有很多)。我绝对不是有意要八卦或者想去打听别人的事情,只是她说话的声音实在太大了,基本上可以说是在强迫我去听这些事情。用煲电话粥的方式来打发在车上的时间,我是十分理解的。但是也请你为他人着想一下,因为他们可能想利用这些宝贵的时间来休息,阅读或者是沉思...