The death of MJ - Who is the murderer?
After MJ died, I have a lot of thoughts in my mind, I did not want to write anything about it back then coz everyone was like so sad or already saying too much. Till now, every time I read news about MJ, I feel not just sad but also guilty as well. Finally, I decided to put my thoughts down.
I still remember the week before MJ died, all US magazines are still laughing his look, behaviour, gossip his health....etc and even calling him names like Weirdo/Jackco......etc. The funniest thing is, after MJ died, people start to worship him, saying he is the king of the stage, the best performers in the world, what a pity to lose such talented person and a lot of artistes claiming themselves that they were inspired by MJ to become singers. All those memorial ceremony of MJ and even most of the Hong Kong artistes are claiming themselves that they are/were inspired by MJ, a lot of shows put on, people tried to pretend him or sing his songs........bahbahbah......
Frankly, I was so disgusted by all these sayings, not because I dont like MJ, I love his music till now, I have all his records and I recall I was totally amazed when I first saw his music video when I was young. There is no doubt he was a super talented performer. Then, my next question is - who really killed him? The doctors prescribe all these drugs? His childhood background? Or even the media?
No, the answer is - all of us. Ask yourself, did you ever laugh at MJ's look after all his plastic surgery? Did you judge him for the children harassment case? Did you ever ever think he was a loser and couldnt make the final round concert?..............all these questions.
If you have say "yes" to any above questions, then you are one of those who killed MJ including me. If all the attention was given to him before he died, not after he died, would he drugged himself that much. Being an artiste is tough already, being a super star is super tough and pressure. Did any of us gave his the support that he should have before his death? No.
For MJ's death, I think we all (the whole world) are the murderers!!
| MJ之死-誰是兇手?
不,答案是-我們所有的人。捫心自問,MJ整容之後,你有沒有試過嘲笑他的長相?猥褻幼童事件,有沒有令你對他產生偏見?你是否有曾經認為他是一個徹底的失敗者,根本不可能完成最後的巡迴演唱會? ..............這一切一切的問題。
所以MJ之死,我認為我們大家(全世界)都是兇手!!| MJ之死-谁是凶手?
不,答桉是-我们所有的人。扪心自问,MJ整容之后,你有没有试过嘲笑他的长相?猥亵幼童事件,有没有令你对他产生偏见?你是否有曾经认为他是一个彻底的失败者,根本不可能完成最后的巡迴演唱会? ..............这一切一切的问题。