Pat Lee
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SheOne @ GarageWorks

Well I'm looking forward to the 27th as it's going to be a pretty crazy and fun day. I'll be heading to Shaw studios for the Apple/RED event at 2pm for few hours - really looking forward to it. Following after I will be heading over to GarageWorks for the SheOne event then hopefully party till morning! Haven't been able to do much lately other then my head on a desk and work so it will be nice to relax with friends that night. It was nice to see Vanness in town - peace bro, lookin sharp! Looking forward to doing another Gallery this year - probably sometime in June. I'm looking forward to seeing many old friendlies who are coming from overseas for FilmArt! I saw WATCHMEN and I really enjoyed it, if you haven't seen it, check it out.

Don't forget to drop by at GarageWorks on the 27th to pick up your SheOne toy - very, super limited and enjoy the night sippin red or white whine.

Peace, be prosperous, righteous and honorable.

Pat Lee

|27日無疑將是個瘋狂的日子。下午2點開始,我會在邵氏影城參加 Apple/RED 主辦的活動,持續幾個小時 - 我很期待再創作一幅現場作品;接著我要去 GarageWorks 參加 SheOne 的活動,希望 party 到天亮! 近期除了工作,都沒參加別的活動,難得改變一下...很高興見到吳建豪 - 安好,兄弟! 今年我還會舉辦另一個畫展,所以從現在開始要努力準備作品了。

期待在電影節見到更多老朋友! 我看了《守望者》,真的很喜歡。

別忘了27日去 GarageWorks 看看,選購超級限量版 SheOne 玩具、享受美酒。


Pat Lee

|27日无疑将是个疯狂的日子。下午2点开始,我会在邵氏影城参加 Apple/RED 主办的活动,持续几个小时 - 我很期待再创作一幅现场作品;接着我要去 GarageWorks 参加 SheOne 的活动,希望 party 到天亮! 近期除了工作,都没参加别的活动,难得改变一下...很高兴见到吴建豪 - 安好,兄弟! 今年我还会举办另一个画展,所以从现在开始要努力准备作品了。

期待在电影节见到更多老朋友! 我看了《守望者》,真的很喜欢。

别忘了27日去 GarageWorks 看看,选购超级限量版 SheOne 玩具、享受美酒。


Pat Lee

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Hong Kong
April 16, 2007