I just did this interview for Milk Magazine last week - if you can't read it because it's in chinese - owell! Hope you enjoy the artwork then. I really enjoyed this interview - the boyz @ Milk are great, super nice. When they interviewed me they asked me to illustrate a robot for Milk - so I just designed this MILK logo style robot on spot.
Thanks to Made by Monster - we will be collaborating on many projects together. I will be announcing a Brand shortly which will include products such as exclusive toys, clothing and much more. With collaborative efforts there will be an invitational gallery at the end of November which will showcase all original concept art, paintings and prototype products.
This Milk issue is fresh off the stands today so check it out when you get a chance!
We just launched our new website for www.patleeproductions.com last week so when you get a chance to - check that out as well. ;) From what I've been told back in the CAN/U.S all my Batman/Superman issues are sold out - so I'm really happy to hear that.
Thanks to AliveNotDead boyz and to all of you for the support!! Now it's back to the drawing board.
Pat Lee