Pat Lee
导演, 画家
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Crazy Theatres @_@

AnD Folks,

Hope everyone is enjoying there weekend so far. We went in yesterday to check out the sound on my animation for the Shaw promo. Just wanted to show pictures of the new MCL theatres - the chairs shake and viabrate according to the sounds it's pretty incredible. They have special VIP theatres, cool huh? 2nd picture is Lloyd (Producer) sitting - and making sure they  have all the elements in the sound as well. Can't wait to see it on the big screen - we could only hear it this time around but next week we'll be able to see it large and live. ;)



Above are pictures of the new MCL theatres at the new Kowloon shopping mall. Except below right - which is a cool panel monitor in the sound studio at Shaw.


                          Above: Picture of a new sound mixer used for the animation.


                                           Above: Another shot of the Sound Board.


                   Taking a picture with a new reflective jacket. Reflective due flash.


大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  15 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
pretty sweet. in japan they have some super theaters like that, except its like US$30 per ticket, so i never tried them out. :-P
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 23632
looks really impressive...!!
大约 17 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 16, 2007