Official Artist
D'in Cheung
Composer , Music Producer , Musician
309,249 views| 51  Posts

Music Update.

Lots of you has been asking how's my project doin... well... It's still progressing, change here and there... rearranging, re recordin...blah blah blah..

I'll upload abit to let you have the taste of it remember these are demo only.

        Hide & Seek Ft. Sajid Akbar demo  by  Din

        Crying for the lonely Star demo  by  Din

In the other hand, My band MAsquer is doin well...

here's some demo too.


too quiet/pop?

Check out this one!


about 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares


Music... something that you cannot touch it, but it touches your heart...

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
June 9, 2007