I posted 8 photos on Facebook in the album "The Pan in Netherlands" http://t.co/40PrvMWDAR
Thank you to Idskia art for the photoshoot! And to Florine Komen for helping out and for being the reason for me going to the Dutch Comic Con in the first place!
Costume by Isa Sherry: https://twitter.com/IsaSherry
Photography by Idskia Idsinga: twitter.com/Idskiart Florine Komen: https://twitter.com/TotallyxAwesome
@moccasingurl No no, no, that's just an excerpt from my graph of life.
@arielthenerd Oh how I would do that in a heartbeat..
Last day at Wondercon! If you wanna come by and say hi, I'll be at the @Quest_Journals booth :)
And Ill have to police myself and not do this so often.. maybe next time I'll be prepared and I can take someone as my guest :)
Well I guess I need to throw something together for Wondercon! If you see me there, feel free to stop me and say hi, no need to be shy :)
.@WilliamShatner @Comic_Con @WonderCon They sorted me out! But Bill, this softer side of you just melts my heart! I knew it, you're Crowley!
@HikaruRose Can't wait Patricia :)
Whoa.. it worked.. My fingers are tingling.. what else can I do..? Everyone give someone a hug, it's a nice thing most of the time.
My Website: www.osricchau.com IMDB credits: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1859543/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Osric-Chau/176288692615?v=info