@wern_vfx @sweetsunsfan I can't wait to see it Wern!! Must have been hard not talking about that one lol
@mostly10 @stirpicus yes Eric, you mustn't ever stop the dumb punning. Plus you've got a lot of awesome projects to be sharing these days :)
I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Maybe I'm not equipped for it, it's a slow life.. Makes me sleepy.
RT @FangasmSPN: @OsricChau If only Kevin was there with them.... #supernatural
They're just hanging out in the bunker like a family.. This is what I've always wanted. For them to be happy. Even for a bit. #Supernatural
New show. Two demon brothers fighting their way to Crowley's heart. Will he ever just adopt them already?? #Supernatural
Someone inject more demon blood in Dean please. I know it'll drive Sam crazy but he does bad boy so well. #Supernatural
It's a.. That's.. That's my thing ?
@thatjonasfan well Im probably a Taylor guy then! :D
My Website: www.osricchau.com IMDB credits: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1859543/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Osric-Chau/176288692615?v=info