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O H M Photography
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Shopping and spending spree. OH NOOOOO!!

There are some lessons from me...to YOU...

This is rare, but here goes.. hah


-Never go shopping after a bad hair cut!!!


I did, and guess what..I bought 3 pair of pants, and two shirts that I don't need?


Cause I just spent 3 G shopping the other day!!


And definitely never allow your friend to drag you to the jewelry shop when you are still in a bad mood after bad hair cut??


Why, you ask??

Coz I just ended up buying two diamond rings that I have no clue how to afford it.. LOL

Fuck.....what am I gonna do???

OI OI.. this is totally my firend's fault..

The credit card company just called.. and OH my GAY GOD, this month I already owed them 36K....




Ok, so my lesson is... just never carry your credit card with you when you go out!!!



until then...



over 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
You really have fallen off the deep end, dear. Shopping to boost self-esteem. Been there, done that, but always on a tight budget so I never do much damage. Until you feel better about yourself and don't indulge in compulsive shopping, try out these strategies to at least minimize the damage. First off--don't go shopping anywhere that carries designer ANYTHING! You probably won't like anything that isn't designer, so you won't be tempted to buy anything! Second, pay for everything in cash. You'd be surprised how much you resist buying things if you're paying cash and have to hand over a stack of bills for something. It suddenly seems a lot more expensive. Much easier to change your mind before you give them all the bills than it is to return something for a refund after you've handed them that itty bitty piece of plastic. For a big ticket item, first go into the store with no cash. Scope things out. Go home and sleep on it and, if you still think you want it, come back the next day after you go to the bank and withdraw the cash. You get many more chances to change your mind or, conversely, understand why this purchase is meaningful and worth the money you are going to shell out. Get a grip, Ohm. You're a bit too old to get work as a high class prostitute or live as a kept boy. Self-control. Yeah, I know that word has an ugly sound, but I think it may become your mantra in the months (years?) ahead as you dig your way out of debt. Oh, and find some poor, unstylish friends to shop with you, if shop you must. :-)
over 16 years ago
Photo 38281
hmmm whhy do i have a feeling this means more to my work load? yeah.... so is there anywhere to whore on AnD? lol..... better show me what you bough sukka... and show me your hair cut. im sure its not all that bad. (unless you got it cut in thailand....) <3
over 16 years ago
Photo 38345
hey marie, what about my rare beauty mentioned? and hey, i am not old.. i am only 19...;-) quinn, i got the HAIR CUT in BKK.. so figure that out.. and pat, unfortunately, it is in USD.. ok.. i must go cry myself to sleep again.. bye bye
over 16 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Dear, rare beauty doesn't have an age limit. I've known 80 year olds who possessed rare beauty--but it was a beauty of the soul thing. Let's just say you've experienced way too much of life to pass for 19. You are many things, but naive isn't one of them. :-)
over 16 years ago
Photo 38345
LOL... yep, just went to see doc and after an x-ray, he confirmed your belief. i have no naive bones in me...only fractures....:-)
over 16 years ago


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