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O H M Photography
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i spend some time going thru old archive and found these unpublished images of a model...so check him out and see what u think of him...





almost 17 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
The juxtaposition of the linear elements of the torso against the armature o the irrigation equipment is interesting.
almost 17 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
I don't go for the blonde, boy-next-door look. Its just a personal thing. I'm not into Brad Pitt, either.
almost 17 years ago
Photo 38345
good leslie, so we dont have to fight.. i like them blonde... personally!!
almost 17 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Of course, what we say we like on purely aesthetic grounds isn't necessarily the type we fall for in real life. Though I don't think I've ever fallen for a blond. No sir, don't think I have. Glad to see there is consistency somewhere in my life.:-)
almost 17 years ago
Photo 38345
Hahaha.. quite honest though, i am an aritst, and i myself do not have certain type i love. i love beauty, and i can see it in anything and anyone....u just have to make effort and see things no one else see....i just have to show you my new project of a transexual here in thailand. and guarantee to shock the hell out of you.. some of them are only 14 and have sex change. and someo f them as old as 60 and still have the male part...and looks really disturbing and provocative... i just love the forms of life.... they inspire me to make art... and i am grateful!!
almost 17 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Gender is comprised of a lot of things, I'm finding. There is, of course, the basic biological facts of certain anatomical features that are male or female. But that is really only one part of gender and, for some individuals, hardly the most significant. Some people embody as much of one gender within themselves as the other. The Hong Kong performer Leslie Cheung (my head shot this week), always had a lot of the feminine within him and could channel it when he so desired. He discovered effective ways to do this as an actor in Farewell, My Concubine, when his character impersonated the female characters in Peking Opera. But he was so good in this film that you don''t feel he was impersonating a woman in the scenes where his character was performing, but that he had actually become a woman. He used this ability to great effect in his 1996 concert tour (he was also one of Hong Kong's great Cantopop singers) where he played a series of characters on stage, including a coquettish woman who danced a tango with a macho dancer. Yet, as soon as that number was over, though he was still in the costume and makeup to play this female role, he reverted to his more usual stage persona that, while male, is very beautiful and sensitive in a way we usually define as more typically feminine. My head shot gives you a sense of just how beautiful he was. To show you what a contradiction he was, he was also one of film's great screen lovers, although he was in a relationship with another man for most of his adult life.
almost 17 years ago
Photo 38345
well put, marie. Leslie was actually one of my early favortie male actors whom I had fallen in love with and fantasizing about. You have to see his kung fu movies... His is so adorable. Speaking of him makes me want to go rent his movie and look back at his career.... Actually, I am going to do that.. :-)
almost 17 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Ah, Leslie made so many great films. Where to start? I'm going to be posting a retrospective of his film career on my blog over the next several days, to commemorate Leslie as one of Hong Kong 's, and cinema's, finest actors. I was watching some of his early films in the past month or so and found some real gems. On Trial, where though he only has a supporting role, he steals every scene he is in as the kid shamed by his family's poverty. Nomad, where he plays the first of his gallery of disaffected young men, the ah fei type, that culminates in Wong Kar-Wai's Days of Being Wild. The rapturous appreciation of Leslie in all his male-female beauty and gentleness/weakness in Stanley Kwan's Rouge (interesting that it took a queer director to first get this about Leslie, but then every other great director thereafter saw it and used it, too). Happy Together, what is there to say about Ho Po-Wing, the bitchy boy you can't help but hate and love in equal measure. Wong Kar-Wai really gave Leslie the role of a lifetime here. But even in lesser films, like The Kid, Moonlight Express or Arrest the Restless Leslie turned in such memorable performances. About falling in love with Leslie--he seduced me, too. Didn't matter that I knew he was gay--and dead. Besides, isn't that what he always wanted--for people to love and desire him? I don't think he was too hung up on the issue of the gender of those who loved him. Like the title of one of his films: Who's the Man, Who's the Woman. In Leslie's case--he was both.
almost 17 years ago
Photo 38345
haha, dear.. maybe u dyed his pubes? idk, ask the white boys and let me know too eh
almost 17 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Maybe he's an unnatural blond.
almost 17 years ago
Photo 37580
uh raina...ever heard of hair dye...usually used to change your hair color on your head...like turning a guy with dark hair into a blonde guy...
almost 17 years ago


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