O H M Photography
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Naughty feelings continued!!

Only this time, i am plasing both sexes!!!!





接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  11 评论s  0 shares
Photo 38281
helen is so beautiful in this picture... how has she been?
接近 17 年 ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Wow, he must really be feeling the rejection that it's head in the oven time. :-) Whoever it is, they just aren't worth it! Alternatively, is this some new spin on "Molly Maid", can I get one of these to clean my oven? (On an unrelated note, I love the rug showing the painting from the Ramesside tomb.)
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 38345
HAHA....chinweiz, you are pretty funny. yes, i am pleasing the pet-lover too. actually, i was just reading terminologies of pansexual, which means people who are attracted to all things, human, things, animals, etc. not necessarily sexually implied, but can be.. as for my first shoot of neked poeple, i was really nervous u know, but have to act cool and all. its all about how you carry yourself and in what manner. people are more willing to do what we ask them to do if you make them feel comfortable and at ease...they have to trust you to some extent...and i guess i get better each times. nowadays, i can just say it without alight hestitation.. like, ok honey, lets get naked!! LOL Works like a charm!!! haha
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 34128
Well, if I'm not mistaken, this is just someone baking in the nude. Get that man some oven mitts - 3 of them.
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 34128
接近 17 年 ago


My name is Ohm. I am an artist. I am here to share my vision to the world. I believe that without art, life is never fully lived. And I also believe in


english, thai
New York City, United States
September 14, 2007